User interface for annotating objects in images.
Flow input/output:
- input: java.awt.image.BufferedImage,
- output:
Interactive actor information:
- supports interaction in headless mode: false
The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
command-line | -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> |
default | WARNING |
min-user-mode | Expert |
The name of the actor.
command-line | -name <java.lang.String> |
default | ImageObjectAnnotator |
The annotations to attach to this actor.
command-line | -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseAnnotation> |
default |
If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded as it is.
command-line | -skip <boolean> |
default | false |
If set to true, the flow execution at this level gets stopped in case this actor encounters an error; the error gets propagated; useful for critical actors.
command-line | -stop-flow-on-error <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
If enabled, then no errors are output in the console; Note: the enclosing actor handler must have this enabled as well.
command-line | -silent <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
If enabled uses just the name for the title instead of the actor's full name.
command-line | -short-title <boolean> |
default | false |
The width of the dialog.
command-line | -width <int> |
default | 1200 |
minimum | 1 |
The height of the dialog.
command-line | -height <int> |
default | 800 |
minimum | 1 |
The X position of the dialog (>=0: absolute, -1: left, -2: center, -3: right).
command-line | -x <int> |
default | -2 |
minimum | -3 |
The Y position of the dialog (>=0: absolute, -1: top, -2: center, -3: bottom).
command-line | -y <int> |
default | -2 |
minimum | -3 |
If enabled, the flow gets stopped in case the user cancels the dialog.
command-line | -stop-if-canceled <boolean> |
default | false |
The custom stop message to use in case a user cancelation stops the flow (default is the full name of the actor)
command-line | -custom-stop-message <java.lang.String> |
default |
The stop mode to use.
command-line | -stop-mode <GLOBAL|STOP_RESTRICTOR> |
default | GLOBAL |
The generator to use for instantiating the annotations display.
command-line | -annotations-display <adams.gui.visualization.object.annotationsdisplay.AbstractAnnotationsDisplayGenerator> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.object.annotationsdisplay.DefaultAnnotationsDisplayGenerator |
The annotator to use.
command-line | -annotator <adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.AbstractAnnotator> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.BoundingBoxAnnotator |
The generator for creating the panel with the labels.
command-line | -label-selector <adams.gui.visualization.object.labelselector.AbstractLabelSelectorGenerator> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.object.labelselector.ButtonSelectorGenerator |
The processor for handling mouse clicks.
command-line | -mouse-click <adams.gui.visualization.object.mouseclick.AbstractMouseClickProcessor> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.object.mouseclick.NullProcessor |
The overlay to use for visualizing the annotations.
command-line | -overlay <adams.gui.visualization.object.overlay.Overlay> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.object.overlay.ObjectLocationsOverlayFromReport -type-color-provider adams.gui.visualization.core.DefaultColorProvider |
The check to apply to the annotations before enabling the OK button.
command-line | -annotation-check <adams.gui.visualization.object.objectannotations.check.AnnotationCheck> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.object.objectannotations.check.PassThrough |
The position for the left divider in pixels.
command-line | -left-divider-location <int> |
default | 200 |
minimum | 1 |
The position for the right divider in pixels.
command-line | -right-divider-location <int> |
default | 900 |
minimum | 1 |
The zoom level in percent.
command-line | -zoom <double> |
default | 100.0 |
minimum | 1.0 |
maximum | 1600.0 |
If enabled, the image gets fitted into the viewport.
command-line | -best-fit <boolean> |
default | false |
The interaction logger to use.
command-line | -interaction-logging-filter <adams.gui.visualization.image.interactionlogging.InteractionLoggingFilter> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.image.interactionlogging.Null |
If enabled, allows the user to make use of the previous report (ie annotations); useful when annotations do not change much between images.
command-line | -allow-using-previous-report <boolean> |
default | false |
The maximum undo steps to allow, use -1 for unlimited 0 to turn off (CAUTION: uses copies of images in memory).
command-line | -max-undo <int> |
default | 100 |
minimum | -1 |