Converts a weka.core.Instance to a Spectrum.
By default, the wave numbers start at 0 and use an increment of 1.
If 'first' and 'last' wave number are supplied, the step size is calculated based on the number of amplitudes present in the Instance.
If only 'first' wave number is supplied, then the supplied wave step size is used.
'first' and 'last' get ignored if a value of less than 0 is supplied.
Flow input/output:
- input: weka.core.Instance
- output:
The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
command-line | -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> |
default | WARNING |
min-user-mode | Expert |
The name of the actor.
command-line | -name <java.lang.String> |
default | InstanceToSpectrum |
The annotations to attach to this actor.
command-line | -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseAnnotation> |
default |
If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded as it is.
command-line | -skip <boolean> |
default | false |
If set to true, the flow execution at this level gets stopped in case this actor encounters an error; the error gets propagated; useful for critical actors.
command-line | -stop-flow-on-error <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
If enabled, then no errors are output in the console; Note: the enclosing actor handler must have this enabled as well.
command-line | -silent <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
Either the attribute name with the product code in it, or the actual product code to be used.
command-line | -productCode <java.lang.String> |
default | 01 |
Regex to find sample id. e.g 'sample_id'
command-line | -sampleID <java.lang.String> |
default | sample_id |
Regex to find sample id. e.g 'sample_id'
command-line | -getProductCodeFromAttribute <java.lang.Boolean> |
default | false |
Regex to choose attributes to use as spectum amplitudes'
command-line | -spectralDataAttributes <java.lang.String> |
default | amplitude.* |
The starting point for the wave numbers, ignored if less than 0.
command-line | -first-wave <float> |
default | -1.0 |
The end point for the wave numbers, ignored if less than 0.
command-line | -last-wave <float> |
default | -1.0 |
The step size for the wave numbers to use, if 'lastWave' is not defined.
command-line | -wave-step <float> |
default | 1.0 |
minimum | 0.0 |