Actor that plots sequences over time.
Flow input/output:
- input: adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer, adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer[]
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer:
- PlotName: name of the plot; java.lang.String
- X: X value; java.lang.Comparable
- Y: Y value; java.lang.Comparable
- Content type: type of plot; adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer$ContentType
- Error X: X error; java.lang.Double[]
- Error Y: Y error; java.lang.Double[]
- MetaData: mapping of meta-data (String/Object); java.util.HashMap
- adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer:
- PlotName: name of the plot; java.lang.String
- X: X value; java.lang.Comparable
- Y: Y value; java.lang.Comparable
- Content type: type of plot; adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer$ContentType
- Error X: X error; java.lang.Double[]
- Error Y: Y error; java.lang.Double[]
- MetaData: mapping of meta-data (String/Object); java.util.HashMap
The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
command-line | -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> |
default | WARNING |
min-user-mode | Expert |
The name of the actor.
command-line | -name <java.lang.String> |
default | SequencePlotter |
The annotations to attach to this actor.
command-line | -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseAnnotation> |
default |
If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded as it is.
command-line | -skip <boolean> |
default | false |
If set to true, the flow execution at this level gets stopped in case this actor encounters an error; the error gets propagated; useful for critical actors.
command-line | -stop-flow-on-error <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
If enabled, then no errors are output in the console; Note: the enclosing actor handler must have this enabled as well.
command-line | -silent <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
If enabled uses just the name for the title instead of the actor's full name.
command-line | -short-title <boolean> |
default | false |
Determines how to show the display, eg as standalone frame (default) or in the Flow editor window.
command-line | -display-type <adams.flow.core.displaytype.AbstractDisplayType> |
default | adams.flow.core.displaytype.Default |
min-user-mode | Expert |
The width of the dialog.
command-line | -width <int> |
default | 800 |
minimum | -1 |
The height of the dialog.
command-line | -height <int> |
default | 350 |
minimum | -1 |
The X position of the dialog (>=0: absolute, -1: left, -2: center, -3: right).
command-line | -x <int> |
default | -1 |
minimum | -3 |
The Y position of the dialog (>=0: absolute, -1: top, -2: center, -3: bottom).
command-line | -y <int> |
default | -1 |
minimum | -3 |
The writer to use for generating the graphics output.
command-line | -writer <adams.gui.print.JComponentWriter> |
default | adams.gui.print.NullWriter |
If enabled, adds a flow control sub-menu to the menubar.
command-line | -show-flow-control-submenu <boolean> |
default | false |
min-user-mode | Expert |
The type of comparison to use for the data points of the sequence.
command-line | -comparison <X|Y|X_AND_Y> |
default | X |
The optional meta-data key to use for comparing data points (apart from X/Y).
command-line | -meta-data-key <java.lang.String> |
default |
The paintlet to use for painting the data.
command-line | -paintlet <adams.gui.visualization.sequence.XYSequencePaintlet> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.sequence.CirclePaintlet -point-preprocessor adams.gui.visualization.sequence.pointpreprocessor.PassThrough -meta-data-color adams.gui.visualization.sequence.metadatacolor.Dummy |
The paintlet to use for painting the overlay data (if any).
command-line | -overlay-paintlet <adams.gui.visualization.sequence.XYSequencePaintlet> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.sequence.NullPaintlet |
The marker paintlet to use for painting marker overlays.
command-line | -marker-paintlet <adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.MarkerPaintlet> |
default | adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.NoMarkers |
The paintlet to use for painting error overlays.
command-line | -error-paintlet <adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.AbstractErrorPaintlet> |
default | adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.NoErrorPaintlet |
The action to use for mouse clicks on the canvas.
command-line | -mouse-click-action <adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.MouseClickAction> |
default | adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.NullClickAction |
The color provider in use for generating the colors for the various plots.
command-line | -color-provider <adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProvider> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.core.DefaultColorProvider |
The color provider in use for generating the colors for the overlay plots.
command-line | -overlay-color-provider <adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProvider> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.core.DefaultColorProvider |
The title for the border around the plot.
command-line | -title <java.lang.String> |
default | Plot |
The setup for the X axis.
command-line | -axis-x <adams.gui.visualization.core.AxisPanelOptions> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.core.AxisPanelOptions -label x -tick-generator \"adams.gui.visualization.core.axis.SimpleTickGenerator -num-ticks 20\" -width 40 |
The setup for the Y axis.
command-line | -axis-y <adams.gui.visualization.core.AxisPanelOptions> |
default | adams.gui.visualization.core.AxisPanelOptions -label y -tick-generator adams.gui.visualization.core.axis.SimpleTickGenerator -width 60 |
If enabled, the plot is adjusted to fit the visible data and not all loaded data.
command-line | -adjust-to-visible-data <boolean> |
default | true |
If enabled, the side panel with the plot names is visible.
command-line | -show-side-panel <boolean> |
default | true |
The width of the side panel (if visible).
command-line | -side-panel-width <int> |
default | 150 |
minimum | 1 |
If enabled, the tool tips of the plot get suppressed.
command-line | -no-tool-tips <boolean> |
default | false |
The updating strategy for the plot.
command-line | -plot-updater <adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.AbstractPlotUpdater> |
default | adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.SimplePlotUpdater |
The post-processor to use on the sequences after a token has been added.
command-line | -post-processor <adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.AbstractSequencePostProcessor> |
default | adams.flow.sink.sequenceplotter.PassThrough |
The file to write the plot containers to (in CSV format); does not store the meta-data, as it can change from container to container; ignored if pointing to a directory.
command-line | -output <> |
default | ${CWD} |