


Creates a named container for the SequencePlotter actor.
In case of Double arrays arriving at the input, they must have length 2 for X and Y, 4 for X/Y/Y-Error (low/high) or 6 X/Y/X-Error (low-high)/Y-Error (low-high).
Integer arrays can only have the length 2.
It is also possible, depending on the plotter sink setup, to use strings for x and/or y.
In order to force an update of the plot, overriding the current plot-updater setup, you can create a special plot container of type UPDATE and send that to the plot (can be triggered with a null-token, e.g., from a adams.flow.source.Start source). Useful if you want to take a screenshot at a specific time, but avoid costly screen refreshs.

Additional information

Flow input/output:
- input: java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double[], java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.Object[]
- output: adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer

Container information:
- adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer:
   - PlotName: name of the plot; java.lang.String
   - X: X value; java.lang.Comparable
   - Y: Y value; java.lang.Comparable
   - Content type: type of plot; adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer$ContentType
   - Error X: X error; java.lang.Double[]
   - Error Y: Y error; java.lang.Double[]
   - MetaData: mapping of meta-data (String/Object); java.util.HashMap
