


Updates a value of a plot container before it is being displayed in the SequencePlotter sink. Usually, you would attach a variable to the 'value' property of this actor, in order to update the specified value of the container with a value that you calculated somewhere else in the flow.

Additional information

Flow input/output:
- input: adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer
- output: adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer

Container information:
- adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer:
   - PlotName: name of the plot; java.lang.String
   - X: X value; java.lang.Comparable
   - Y: Y value; java.lang.Comparable
   - Content type: type of plot; adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer$ContentType
   - Error X: X error; java.lang.Double[]
   - Error Y: Y error; java.lang.Double[]
   - MetaData: mapping of meta-data (String/Object); java.util.HashMap
