Get Started - Extending

What do you need to do to create a new actor? Not much, simply create a new class and add a 16x16 icon for this actor. That's it!

The following sections will guide you through the process of implementing your first actor.

The class

In the example here, we will be implementing a simple transformer that can take integers, doubles and numbers in string representation. This transformer then adds the number 42 to them and forwards the result for further processing.

Picking the superclass

The four types of actors in ADAMS, standalone, source, transformer and sink, are determined by two interfaces, depending on whether input is accepted and/or output is generated:

  • adams.flow.core.InputConsumer (transformer, sink)

  • adams.flow.core.OutputProducer (source, transformer)

But you don't have to implement these interfaces yourself, there are already some abstract superclasses that you can directly derive from:

  • adams.flow.standalone.AbstractStandalone

  • adams.flow.source.AbstractSource

  • adams.flow.transformer.AbstractTransformer

  • adams.flow.sink.AbstractSink

Thanks to ADAMS' dynamic class discovery, you only have to place your classes in the same package as these abstract superclasses. If you want to use a different class hierarchy, you have to let ADAMS know about in form of a properties file. For instance, for developing our new transformer, called org.awesome.transformer.Funky, you have to create a file called ClassLister.props in the adams.core package with the following content:


Ultimately, all actors are derived from adams.flow.core.AbstractActor, hence you need ADAMS let know in which packages to look for them.


In order to keep documentation relevant and avoid duplication, it is placed directly into the code. Each actor has a globalInfo method returning the main description in the help available in the GUI.

In our example, the the method would look like this:

public String globalInfo() {
  return "Our funky transformer. Adds 42 to incoming data.";

Input and output

Before a flow is executed, ADAMS checks whether the actors are actually compatible with each other. For this static type check, InputConsumers have an accepts() method and OutputProducers a generates() one, each return an array of classes.

Our Funky transformer is supposed to take integers, doubles and strings. In other words, the accepts() method looks like this:

public Class[] accepts() {
  return new Class[]{Integer.class, Double.class, String.class};

As output, the transformer only generates doubles. Here is the corresponding generates() method:

public Class[] generates() {
  return new Class[]{Double.class};

Any actor that outputs numbers (e.g., adams.flow.source.RandomNumberGenerator) or strings (e.g., adams.flow.source.StringConstants), will be compatible with our transformer.

Processing data

Since the handling of documentation and compatibility is covered, we can concentrate on the actual processing of the data.

The life cycle of an actor is as follows:

  1. setUp() (initialization)

  2. execute() (called with each token passing through, in case of transformers)

  3. wrapUp() (called after flow finishes)

  4. destroy() (for freeing up memory, etc.)

The execute() is just a wrapper around the following three methods:

  1. preExcecute()

  2. doExcecute()

  3. postExcecute()

In our case, only the doExecute() method needs to be implemented, as it is the only that is abstract. The others perform other duties, like debugging output of the size of the actor before/after the doExecute() call for tracking memory leaks.

Data gets passed around in the flow as tokens and the container class dealing with it is adams.flow.core.Token (the actual data is its payload). The AbstractTransformer class already contains a member variable for the input, m_InputToken, and one for the output, m_OutputToken. Leaving the output token at null stops the execution of any actor following ours. We will be using this approach in case we encounter a string that we can't parse as a double. The doExecute() method also returns string, which is used to return error messages (null if everything is fine). If we have a valid number, we add 42 to it.

Here is the code processing the data:

protected String doExecute() {
  String result = null;
  Number number = null;
  if (m_InputToken.getPayload() instanceof String) {
    try {
      number = new Double((String) m_InputToken.getPayload());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      number = null;
      result = "Failed to parse input string '" + m_InputToken.getPayload() + "' as number: " + e;
  else {
    number = (Number) m_InputToken.getPayload();
  if (number != null)
    m_OutputToken = new Token(number.doubleValue() + 42.0);
  return result;

The full implementation

And here is the full implementation of our transformer:

package adams.flow.transformer;

import adams.flow.core.Token;

public class Funky extends AbstractTransformer {
  public String globalInfo() {
    return "Our funky transformer. Adds 42 to incoming data.";
  public Class[] accepts() {
    return new Class[]{Integer.class, Double.class, String.class};
  public Class[] generates() {
    return new Class[]{Double.class};
  protected String doExecute() {
    String result = null;
    Number number = null;
    if (m_InputToken.getPayload() instanceof String) {
      try {
        number = new Double((String) m_InputToken.getPayload());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        number = null;
        result = "Failed to parse input string '" + m_InputToken.getPayload() + "' as number: " + e;
    else {
      number = (Number) m_InputToken.getPayload();
    if (number != null)
      m_OutputToken = new Token(number.doubleValue() + 42.0);
    return result;

Option handling

Though not necessary for this example, I will still cover briefly how option handling works in ADAMS.

Each option that is to be available through the user interface, needs to implement a get, a set and a tool-tip method. The latter contains the documentation for the option.

In our transformer example, we might want to make the actor a bit more flexible and allow the user to choose and increment different from 42. We could call the option (or property in Java Beans terms) increment. This will result in the following three methods:

  • getIncrement()

  • setIncrement(double)

  • incrementTipText()

Now we have to register this property with the actor as an option, in order to make it accessible in the user interface. This happens in the methdo defineOptions(), by adding an option description to the option manager. This description includes the command-line string of the option, the Bean property name and the default value. For numeric values you can also describe lower and upper bounds. We don't need really need bounds, but for demonstration purposes, we only want to allow positive values or zero:

public void defineOptions() {
    "inc", "increment",
    42.0, 0.0, null);

One more important thing to mention: each set method for an option needs to call the reset() method. This call signals the actor that the options have changed and the current state is no longer valid.

The complete actor code now looks like this:

package adams.flow.transformer;

import adams.flow.core.Token;

public class Funky extends AbstractTransformer {
  protected double m_Increment;
  public String globalInfo() {
    return "Our funky transformer.";
  public void defineOptions() {
      "inc", "increment",
      42.0, 0.0, null);
  public void setIncrement(double value) {
    if (getOptionManager().isValid("increment", value)) { // checks bounds for numeric options
      m_Increment = value;
  public double getIncrement() {
    return m_Increment;
  public String incrementTipText() {
    return "The amount to add to the incoming values.";
  public Class[] accepts() {
    return new Class[]{Integer.class, Double.class, String.class};
  public Class[] generates() {
    return new Class[]{Double.class};
  protected String doExecute() {
    String result = null;
    Number number = null;
    if (m_InputToken.getPayload() instanceof String) {
      try {
        number = new Double((String) m_InputToken.getPayload());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        number = null;
        result = "Failed to parse input string '" + m_InputToken.getPayload() + "' as number: " + e;
    else {
      number = (Number) m_InputToken.getPayload();
    if (number != null)
      m_OutputToken = new Token(number.doubleValue() + m_Increment);
    return result;

One final note: instead of using System.out and System.err, actors should use getSystemOut() and getSystemErr() for output on the console. By doing this, output from stdout and stderr gets captured by ADAMS' logging facility. Debugging output can be output using for instance debug(String).

The icon

As for the icon that goes with the actor, it is simple a GIF, PNG or JPG image with the same filename as the actor, placed in the adams.gui.images package. For instance, using our org.awesome.transformer.Funky transformer example, you could create a file called org.awesome.transformer.Funky.gif, using one of these templates:

  • adams.flow.standalone.Unknown.gif

  • adams.flow.source.Unknown.gif

  • adams.flow.transformer.Unknown.gif

  • adams.flow.sink.Unknown.gif

The templates already contain a frame with the color associated with the type of actor: standalone, source, transformer and sink.