adams-basic-app -- minimalistic application with Groovy, spreadsheet (zip)
adams-base-all -- contains all basic modules (zip)
adams-addons-all -- contains all basic modules and addons modules (zip)
adams-ml-app -- contains machine learning, scripting and spreadsheet modules (zip)
adams-spectral-app -- contains module for handling spectra (2-dimensional spectra like NIR, MIR, XRF and 3-way data like EEM fluorescence spectra) spreadsheet modules and Weka module (zip)
additional libraries
Over 70 new actors and over 20 new conversions
Integration with RabbitMQ message broker for distribution compute jobs and sub-flows
Communication with Python processes via Pyro4, eg for integrating scikit-learn models as regular Weka classifiers
Better support for Java collections
MOA updated to latest release
Improved support for merging spreadsheets and Weka datasets
Slimmed down adams-core module, by moving out mathematical, JSON, YAML, XML functionality into separate modules. JDBC functionality other than MySQL got moved into the adams-db module.
Split adams-rats into separate modules: core, net, rest, webservice (SOAP)
Moved out HTML functionality from adams-net into new module adams-html
New adams-groovy-rest module for writing REST webservices entirely in Groovy, avoiding compilation
Rest webservices work over https as well
Compression/decompression actors for bzip2, gzip, lzf, lzma, xz and zstd can process raw byte arrays in addition to files
The Weka Investigator can generate outputs also on a per-split basis when using cross-validation as evaluation method, it can also distribute cross-validation jobs via RabbitMQ to a compute farm
Support for Debian and RPM packages, simplifying generation of docker images
Launching ADAMS
Unzip the ZIP archive and execute the appropriate shell/batch script from a terminal:
Linux users, when installing an Debian or RPM package, can start ADAMS either from their
start menu or from the terminal (via adams-*-gui