AbstractBaseString |
Wrapper for a String object to be editable in the GOE.
ArrayDimensions |
For defining dimensions for an array: eg [2] or [2][4][6] or [@{variable}].
AttributeTypeList |
Wrapper for a comma-separated list of attribute types.
BaseAnnotation |
Class used for annotating actors in the flow.
BaseAnnotation.Tag |
Container class for storing tag information.
BaseBoolean |
Wrapper for a Boolean object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseByte |
Wrapper for a Byte object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseCharacter |
Wrapper for a Character object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseCharset |
Wrapper for a Charset object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseClassname |
Wrapper for a class name object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseColor |
Wrapper for a Color object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseCommandLine |
Wrapper for a commandline object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseDate |
Wrapper for a Date string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseDateTime |
Wrapper for a Date/Time string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseDateTimeMsec |
Wrapper for a Date/Time string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseDimension |
Wrapper for a Dimension object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseDouble |
Wrapper for a Double object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseFloat |
Wrapper for a Float object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseHostname |
Wrapper for internet hostnames.
BaseInteger |
Wrapper for an Integer object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseInterval |
For specifying mathematical intervals like (1;1.2] or [-3.1;7.8].
BaseKeyValuePair |
Wrapper for a key/value pairs.
BaseList |
Wrapper for a comma-separated list (String).
BaseLong |
Wrapper for a Long object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseMarkdown |
Wrapper for a Markdown string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseObject |
Super class for wrappers around classes like String, Integer, etc.
BasePassword |
Wrapper for a String object to be editable in the GOE.
BasePointDouble |
BasePointFloat |
BasePointInt |
Wrapper for a Point object (integers) to be editable in the GOE.
BaseRectangle |
Wrapper for a rectangle object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseRegExp |
Wrapper for a regular expression string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseShort |
Wrapper for a Short object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseString |
Wrapper for a String object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseText |
Wrapper for a String object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseTime |
Wrapper for a Time string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseTimeMsec |
Wrapper for a Time string to be editable in the GOE.
BaseURI |
Wrapper for an URI object to be editable in the GOE.
BaseURL |
Wrapper for an URL object to be editable in the GOE.
CronSchedule |
Encapsulates a cron schedule.
JsonPathExpression |
Encapsulates a JSON Path expression.
LabeledRectangle |
Wrapper for a rectangle object (with a label) to be editable in the GOE.
Mat5ArrayDimensions |
For specifying the dimensions of a Matlab matrix.
Mat5ArrayElementIndex |
For specifying a matrix index (or matrix subset).
MatrixSubset |
For defining matrix subsets ','.
MavenArtifact |
Encapsulates Maven artifacts.
MavenArtifactExclusion |
Encapsulates Maven artifact exclusions.
MavenRepository |
Encapsulates Maven repositories.
QuadrilateralLocation |
Wrapper for a quadrilateral location object to be editable in the GOE.
RangedThreshold |
For specifying thresholds for ranges.
RangedThreshold.ThresholdSpecification |
Container for storing min/max and threshold.
XPathExpression |
Encapsulates an XPath expression.
XSLTStyleSheet |
Encapsulates an XSLT Stylesheet.