Interface SSHSessionProvider

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.jcraft.jsch.Session getSession()
      Returns the SSH session.
      com.jcraft.jsch.Session newSession()
      Returns a new session for the host/port defined in the options.
      com.jcraft.jsch.Session newSession​(String host, int port)
      Returns a new session for the given host/port.
    • Method Detail

      • getSession

        com.jcraft.jsch.Session getSession()
        Returns the SSH session. Attempts to reconnect when necessary or create new session when none present.
        the SSH session, null if not connected
      • newSession

        com.jcraft.jsch.Session newSession()
        Returns a new session for the host/port defined in the options.
        the session
      • newSession

        com.jcraft.jsch.Session newSession​(String host,
                                           int port)
        Returns a new session for the given host/port.
        host - the host to create the session for
        the session