Class BaseObjectOption

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseObjectOption

        protected BaseObjectOption​(OptionManager owner,
                                   String commandline,
                                   String property,
                                   Object defValue,
                                   UserMode minUserMode)
        Initializes the option. Will always output the default value.
        owner - the owner of this option
        commandline - the commandline string to identify the option
        property - the name of bean property
        defValue - the default value, if null then the owner's current state is used
        minUserMode - the minimum user mode before showing this option
      • BaseObjectOption

        protected BaseObjectOption​(OptionManager owner,
                                   String commandline,
                                   String property,
                                   Object defValue,
                                   boolean outputDefValue,
                                   UserMode minUserMode)
        Initializes the option.
        owner - the owner of this option
        commandline - the commandline string to identify the option
        property - the name of bean property
        defValue - the default value, if null then the owner's current state is used
        outputDefValue - whether to output the default value or not
        minUserMode - the minimum user mode before showing this option