AbstractBinningAlgorithm |
Ancestor for binning algorithms.
AbstractEqualWidthBinningAlgorithm |
Ancestor for algorithms that use bins with the same width.
DensityBinning |
Performs density-based binning.
FreedmanDiaconisChoiceBinning |
The Freedman-Diaconis' choice is based on the interquartile range.
FrequencyBinning |
Performs frequency binning.
ManualBinning |
Generates a predefined number of equal sized bins.
NoBinning |
Performs no real binning, just places all items in one bin.
RiceRuleBinning |
The Rice Rule is presented as a simple alternative to Sturges's rule.
ScottsNormalReferenceRuleBinning |
Scott's normal reference rule is optimal for random samples of normally
distributed data, in the sense that it minimizes the integrated mean
squared error of the density estimate.
SquareRootChoiceBinning |
Takes the square root of the number of data points in the sample
used by Excel histograms and many others) and rounds to the next integer.
SturgesFormulaBinning |
Sturges' formula is derived from a binomial distribution and implicitly
assumes an approximately normal distribution.