AbstractBoofCVFeatureGenerator |
Abstract base class for BoofCV feature generation.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for BoofCV feature generator scripts.
AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator |
Abstract ancestor for BoofCV feature generator that execute external scripts.
FilteredBoofCVFeatureGenerator |
Applies the filter (an image transformer) to the image first before generating the features from the transformed images.
Histogram |
Generates a histogram from the image.
MultiBoofCVFeatureGenerator |
Applies multiple generators to the same image and merges the generate a feature vectors side-by-side.
Otsu |
Computes the variance based threshold using Otsu's method from an input image (gray scale; boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8).
For more information see:
Pixels |
Gets all the pixels of the image.
Scripted |
A feature generator that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.