AbstractBoofCVTransformer |
Abstract base class for BoofCV transformations.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for BoofCV transformer scripts.
AbstractScriptedTransformer |
Abstract ancestor for transformers that execute external scripts.
Binary |
Creates a binary image.
BinaryContours |
Uses the BoofCV binary contours algorithm to detect edges in a binary image.
CannyEdgeDetection |
Performs edge detection using the Canny Edge detection algorithm.
For more information on the algorithm, see:
Dilate4 |
Applies the BoofCV dilate4 algorithm to a binary image.
Dilate8 |
Applies the BoofCV dilate8 algorithm to a binary image.
Erode4 |
Applies the BoofCV erode4 algorithm to a binary image.
Erode8 |
Applies the BoofCV erode8 algorithm to a binary image.
Gray8 |
Transforms the image into an 8-bit gray image.
ImageType |
Turns an image into the specified type of image.
Inverter |
Takes a binary image in the BoofCV Unsigned Int 8 format and inverts each pixel.
MultiTransformer |
Applies the specified BoofCV transformers one after the other.
PassThrough |
A dummy transform that just passes the image through.
Scripted |
An image transformer that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.
Sharpen4 |
Applies a Laplacian-4 based sharpen filter to the image.
Sharpen8 |
Applies a Laplacian-8 based sharpen filter to the image.
SuperPixels |
Takes an image and divides it into super pixels.
For more information see:
WaveletDenoise |
Removes noise using wavelet transformation.