AbstractAdamsExperimentWriter |
Ancestor for ADAMS Experiment writers.
AbstractDataContainerWriter<T extends DataContainer> |
Abstract ancestor for writers that write data containers to files in various
AbstractEmailFileWriter |
Ancestor for email writers that write to files.
AbstractEmailWriter |
Ancestor for classes that write emails.
AbstractFlowWriter |
Ancestor for classes that can write flow objects.
AbstractFormattedSpreadSheetWriter |
Ancestor for writers that format the numbers.
AbstractImageSegmentationAnnotationWriter |
Ancestor for writers for image segmentation annotations.
AbstractImageWriter<T extends AbstractImageContainer> |
Ancestor for image writers.
AbstractImplicitBackgroundPNGAnnotationImageSegmentationWriter |
Ancestor for image segmentation annotation writers that store the annotations in a single PNG file
and can use an implicit background.
AbstractIndexedSplitsRunsWriter |
Ancestor for writers that writes files containing IndexedSplitsRuns.
AbstractMultiReportWriter<T extends Report> |
Ancestor for report writers that write multiple reports into a single file.
AbstractMultiSheetFormattedSpreadSheetWriter |
Ancestor for writers that format the numbers.
AbstractMultiSheetSpreadSheetWriter |
Ancestor for spreadsheet writers that can write multiple sheets into
a single document.
AbstractMultiSheetSpreadSheetWriterWithMissingValueSupport |
Ancestor for spreadsheet writers that support missing values.
AbstractNestedFlowWriter |
Ancestor for flow writers that support the nested format.
AbstractObjectWriter |
Ancestor for object writers.
AbstractParameterMapWriter |
Ancestor for classes that write parameter maps.
AbstractPNGAnnotationImageSegmentationWriter |
Ancestor for image segmentation annotation writers that store the annotations in a single PNG file.
AbstractReportWriter<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for writers that write reports to files in
various formats.
AbstractSimpleCSVReportWriter<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for writing reports in CSV format.
AbstractSimpleJsonReportWriter<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for writing reports in Json format.
AbstractSimpleReportWriter<T extends Report> |
Abstract ancestor for writing reports in properties format.
AbstractSpreadSheetWriter |
Ancestor for classes that can write spreadsheet objects.
AbstractSpreadSheetWriterWithMissingValueSupport |
Ancestor for spreadsheet writers that support a custom missing value
AbstractTextWriter |
Ancestor for classes that can write text documents.
AbstractTextWriterWithEncoding |
Ancestor of text writers that use an encoding.
AbstractTextWriterWithFilenameGenerator |
AbstractTimeseriesWriter |
Ancestor for timeseries writers.
AbstractWekaSpreadSheetWriter |
Ancestor for WEKA file format readers.
AccessSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes spreadsheet data to a MS Access database.
ApacheCommonsImageWriter |
Apache Commons Imaging image writer for: bmp, gif, ico, pbm, pgm, png, pnm, ppm, tif, tiff
ArffSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes a spreadsheet in ARFF file format.
AutoWidthTabularSpreadSheetWriter |
Outputs the spreadsheet in a simple tabular format with column widths to fit the content in each row.
BlueChannelImageSegmentationWriter |
The layers get stored in the blue channel, with 0 being the background.
BoofCVImageWriter |
BoofCV image writer for: bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg, pgm, png, ppm, wbmp
For more information see:
CommandlineWriter |
Writes the commandline of objects to disk.
CsvSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes CSV files.
DeepLabCutCSVWriter |
Writes point annotations from multiple reports in DeepLabCut's CSV format.
Expects the filename to be stored in the 'File' report field.
DefaultFlowWriter |
Writes flows in the default format (nested).
DefaultSimpleCSVReportWriter |
Default implementation of a report writer of the simple CSV format.
DefaultSimpleJsonReportWriter |
Default implementation of a report writer of the simple Json format.
DefaultSimpleReportWriter |
Default implementation of a report writer of the simple format.
ExcelSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes MS Excel files.
ExcelStreamingSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes OOXML MS Excel files in streaming mode (more memory efficient).
FixedTabularSpreadSheetWriter |
Outputs the spreadsheet in a simple tabular format with fixed column width, as used by dot matrix printers in days gone by.
GnumericSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes Gnumeric workbook files (GZIP compressed or uncompressed XML), version 1.10.13.
GrayOrIndexedImageWriter |
Changes the unique colors to the ones specified by the color provider.
Useful for generating human-viewable images from image segmentation annotations.
Uses adams.data.io.output.ApacheCommonsImageWriter for performing the actual writing after the conversion.
See also:
GrayscaleImageSegmentationWriter |
The layers get stored as grayscale values, with 0 being the background.
IndexedPNGImageSegmentationWriter |
Each layer gets stored with a separate color in the palette.
IndividualImageSegmentationLayerWriter |
Uses a JPG as base image and indexed PNG files for the individual layers (0 = background, 1 = annotation).
JAIExplicitImageWriter |
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) image writer using explicit image type writers.
JAIImageWriter |
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) image writer for: bmp, jpg, jpeg, wbmp, png, gif
JavaInstantiationWriter |
JsonAdamsExperimentWriter |
Writes ADAMS experiments in JSON format.
JsonFlowWriter |
Writes flows in JSON format.
JsonIndexedSplitsRunsWriter |
Writes runs of indexed splits as JSON.
JsonParameterMapWriter |
Writes parameters in JSON format.
JSONSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes a spreadsheet in JSON file format.
LibSVMSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes a spreadsheet in LibSVM file format.
Mat5SpreadSheetWriter |
Writes Matlab .mat files (format 5)
MatlabSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes a spreadsheet in ARFF file format.
NestedAdamsExperimentWriter |
Writes ADAMS experiments in nested format.
NestedCommandlineWriter |
Writes the commandline of objects to disk (in nested format).
NullWriter |
Performs no writing at all.
ObjectLocationsSpreadSheetWriter |
ODFSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes ODF (Open Document Format) spreadsheet files.
OpenCVImageWriter |
Writes images using OpenCV.
OpexObjectLocationsWriter |
Writes polygon annotations in VGG Image Annotator JSON format.
For more information, see:
PlainTextEmailFileWriter |
Writes emails to text files.
Handles only ASCII content.
PropertiesEmailFileWriter |
Writes emails to properties files.
PropertiesIndexedSplitsRunsWriter |
Writes runs of indexed splits as .props file.
PropertiesSpreadSheetWriter |
Outputs two columns (key and value) from a spreadsheet as Java properties file.
SerializableObjectWriter |
SerializedAdamsExperimentWriter |
Writes serialized ADAMS experiments.
SerializedObjectWriter |
Writes objects using Java serialization.
SerializedParameterMapWriter |
Serializes a parameter map to a file.
SimpleArffSpreadSheetWriter |
Simple writer for Weka ARFF files, only supports NUMERIC, NOMINAL, STRING and DATE attributes.
SimpleJavaInstantiationWriter |
Generates Java code from objects, using their command-line options to instantiate them.
SimpleStreamSpreadSheetWriter |
Simple stream format for spreadsheets:
- one spreadsheet row per line in the output
- cells are separated by TAB
- cell format: '<1-based index>:<content-type ID>:<content>'
NB: tabs, new lines etc in the content get backquoted.
SimpleTimeseriesWriter |
Writer for the simply timeseries format, CSV-like with preceding comments.
SpreadSheetTimeseriesWriter |
Writes timeseries data using a spreadsheet writer.
SqlDumpSpreadSheetWriter |
Generates an SQL dump from the spreadsheet, which can be imported into a database.
SVMLightSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes a spreadsheet in SVMLight file format.
TextFileWithLineNumbersWriter |
Writes the content to a text file, preceding each line with its line number.
TextFileWriter |
Writes the content to a text file.
TsvSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes TSV (tab-separated values) files,
ViaAnnotationsReportWriter |
Writes polygon annotations in VGG Image Annotator JSON format.
For more information, see:
XrffSpreadSheetWriter |
Writes a spreadsheet in XRFF file format.
XStreamWriter |
Uses XStream to serialze objects.
YamlParameterMapWriter |
Reads the parameters in YAML format.
YoloAnnotationsReportWriter |
Writes text files with YOLO object annotations, one object definition per line:
BBox format:
- format: <object-class> <x> <y> <width> <height>
- object-class: 0-based index
- x/y: normalized center of annotation
- width/height: normalized width/height
- Normalization uses image width/height
Polygon format:
- format: <object-class> <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1>...
- object-class: 0-based index
- x/y: normalized polygon point