class |
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for JAI transformer scripts.
class |
AbstractScriptedTransformer |
Abstract ancestor for transformers that execute external scripts.
class |
Brightness |
Brightens or darkens an image using the specified factor and offset.
factor: <0=darken image, >0=brighten image.
class |
ChangeOrientation |
Ensures that the image has the specified orientation.
class |
Dilate |
class |
Erode |
class |
Flip |
Flips an image.
class |
Gray8 |
Transforms the image into an 8-bit gray image.
class |
IndexedColors |
Turns an RGB image into one with an indexed color palette.
class |
Invert |
Inverts the image.
class |
Resize |
Resizes the image to predefined width and height.
class |
Rotate |
Rotates an image by a defined number of degrees.
class |
Scripted |
An image transformer that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.