Class MakeSquare

    • Constructor Detail

      • MakeSquare

        public MakeSquare()
    • Method Detail

      • setSideType

        public void setSideType​(MakeSquare.SideType value)
        Sets the type of side of the current bounding box to use for the square box.
        value - the type
      • getSideType

        public MakeSquare.SideType getSideType()
        Returns the type of side of the current bounding box to use for the square box.
        the type
      • sideTypeTipText

        public String sideTypeTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • transform

        protected LocatedObject transform​(LocatedObject object,
                                          double scaleX,
                                          double scaleY,
                                          int transX,
                                          int transY)
        Scales/translates the given object.
        object - the object to transform
        scaleX - the scale for X
        scaleY - the scale for Y
        transX - the X translation
        transY - the Y translation
        the updated object