Class SpreadSheetUtils

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class SpreadSheetUtils
    extends Object
    Helper class for spreadsheet related functionality.
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    • Constructor Detail

      • SpreadSheetUtils

        public SpreadSheetUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • split

        public static String[] split​(String s,
                                     char delimiter)
        Attempts to split a string, using the specified delimiter character. A delimiter gets ignored if inside double quotes.
        s - the string to split
        delimiter - the delimiting character
        the parts (single array element if no range)
      • split

        public static String[] split​(String s,
                                     char delimiter,
                                     boolean unquote)
        Attempts to split a string, using the specified delimiter character. A delimiter gets ignored if inside double quotes.
        s - the string to split
        delimiter - the delimiting character
        unquote - whether to remove double quotes
        the parts (single array element if no range)
      • split

        public static String[] split​(String s,
                                     char delimiter,
                                     boolean unquote,
                                     char quoteChar,
                                     boolean escaped)
        Attempts to split a string, using the specified delimiter character. A delimiter gets ignored if inside double quotes.
        s - the string to split
        delimiter - the delimiting character
        unquote - whether to remove single/double quotes
        quoteChar - the quote character to use
        escaped - if true then quotes preceded by backslash ('escaped') get ignored
        the parts (single array element if no range)
      • createHeader

        public static List<String> createHeader​(int numCols,
                                                String customCols)
        Creates list of column header names. Either using the comma-separated list or, if that is empty, a made up list using "Col-" plus the index.
        numCols - the number of column headers to generate
        customCols - the comma-separated list of custom headers, can be empty
        the generated list of headers
      • getColumnPosition

        public static String getColumnPosition​(int col)
        Returns the position letter(s) of the column.
        col - the column index of the cell (0-based)
        the position string
      • getCellPosition

        public static String getCellPosition​(int row,
                                             int col)
        Returns the position of the cell. A position is a combination of a number of letters (for the column) and number (for the row).

        Note: add "1" to the row indices, since the header row does not count towards the row count.
        row - the row index of the cell (0-based)
        col - the column index of the cell (0-based)
        the position string or null if not found
      • getCellLocation

        public static int[] getCellLocation​(String position)
                                     throws Exception
        Returns row/column index based on the provided position string (e.g., A12).
        position - the position string to parse
        the array with row and column index (0-based indices)
        Exception - in case of an invalid position string
      • getNumericColumn

        public static double[] getNumericColumn​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                                int col)
        Returns the content of a numeric column as double array.
        sheet - the sheet to use
        col - the index of the numeric column
        the numeric data, elements are NaN if missing or not numeric
      • getNumericRow

        public static double[] getNumericRow​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                             int rowIndex)
        Returns the content of a numeric row as double array.
        sheet - the sheet to use
        rowIndex - the index of the numeric row
        the numeric data, elements are NaN if missing or not numeric
      • getNumericRow

        public static double[] getNumericRow​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                             int rowIndex,
                                             int[] columns)
        Returns the content of a numeric row as double array.
        sheet - the sheet to use
        rowIndex - the index of the numeric row
        columns - the columns to return, null for all
        the numeric data, elements are NaN if missing or not numeric
      • getColumn

        public static String[] getColumn​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                         int col,
                                         boolean unique,
                                         boolean sort)
        Returns the content of a column as array.
        sheet - the sheet to use
        col - the index of the column
        unique - whether to return only unique values
        sort - whether to sort the values
        the data, elements are NaN if missing (if not looking for unique values)
      • getColumn

        public static String[] getColumn​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                         int col,
                                         boolean unique,
                                         boolean sort,
                                         String missing)
        Returns the content of a column as array.
        sheet - the sheet to use
        col - the index of the column
        unique - whether to return only unique values
        sort - whether to sort the values
        missing - the string to use for missing values
        the data, elements are NaN if missing (if not looking for unique values)
      • getMinMax

        public static double[] getMinMax​(SpreadSheetTable table,
                                         int[] columns,
                                         int[] rows)
        Determines min/max values in the table.
        table - the table to analyze
        columns - the 0-based column indices in the spreadsheet to get the min/max for, ignored if null
        rows - the 0-based row indices in the spreadsheet to get the min/max for, ignored if null
        the min and max
      • getMinMax

        public static double[] getMinMax​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                         int[] columns,
                                         int[] rows)
        Determines min/max values in the spreadsheet.
        sheet - the sheet to analyze
        columns - the 0-based column indices in the spreadsheet to get the min/max for, ignored if null
        rows - the 0-based row indices in the spreadsheet to get the min/max for, ignored if null
        the min and max
      • uniqueValues

        public static List<String> uniqueValues​(SpreadSheet sheet)
        Returns a sorted list of all unique values in the spreadsheet (excludes missing values).
        sheet - the sheet to get the values for
        the unique values