AbstractColumnFinder |
Ancestor for classes that find columns of interest in spreadsheets.
AbstractFilteredColumnFinder |
Ancestor for column finders that pre-filter the columns.
AbstractTrainableColumnFinder |
AllFinder |
Dummy finder, finds all columns.
ByContentType |
Returns indices of columns that satisfy the specified content types.
ByExactName |
Returns indices of columns which names match the exact name.
ByIndex |
Returns indices of columns that fall in the defined range.
ByName |
Returns indices of columns which names match the regular expression.
DownSample |
Returns the indices of every n-th column.
FilteredColumnFinder |
Filters the data first before applying the actual finder to locate the
Invert |
Inverts the selected columns of the provided sub-column-filter.
MultiColumnFinder |
Applies multiple column finding algorithms to the data.
The indices can be either joined or intersected.
NullFinder |
Dummy finder, does not find any columns.
RowFilteredColumnFinder |
This column finder first filters the rows before finding any columns on
the subset of rows.
SubSample |
Returns the indices of a subsample of columns.