Class EqualWidthBins

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Destroyable, ErrorProvider, GlobalInfoSupporter, LoggingLevelHandler, LoggingSupporter, OptionHandler, SizeOfHandler, Serializable

    public class EqualWidthBins
    extends AbstractMetaRowScore
    Splits the row into bins with (more or less) same size and applies the base score algorithm to each of the bins.

    -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> (property: loggingLevel)
        The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
        default: WARNING
    -row-score <> (property: rowScore)
        The row score algorithm to apply to the each of the bins.
        default: -statistic
    -num-bins <int> (property: numBins)
        The number of bins to use.
        default: 1
        minimum: 1
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • m_NumBins

        protected int m_NumBins
        the number of bins to apply the base score to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EqualWidthBins

        public EqualWidthBins()
    • Method Detail

      • rowScoreTipText

        public String rowScoreTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        Specified by:
        rowScoreTipText in class AbstractMetaRowScore
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setNumBins

        public void setNumBins​(int value)
        Sets the number of bins.
        value - the number of bins
      • getNumBins

        public int getNumBins()
        Returns the number of bins.
        the number of bins
      • numBinsTipText

        public String numBinsTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • getNumScores

        public int getNumScores()
        Returns how many score values will get generated.
        getNumScores in class AbstractMetaRowScore
        the number of scores
      • doCalculateScore

        protected Double[] doCalculateScore​(SpreadSheet sheet,
                                            int rowIndex)
        Performs the actual calculation of the row score.
        Specified by:
        doCalculateScore in class AbstractRowScore
        sheet - the spreadsheet to generate the score for
        rowIndex - the row index
        the generated score, null in case of an error