AbstractDoubleArrayRowStatistic |
Ancestor for statistics that just use all numeric values in the row.
AbstractRowStatistic |
Ancestor for row statistic generators.
ArrayStatistic |
Pushes the numeric row through the specified array statistic.
Distinct |
Counts the distinct numeric/string values.
Calculates the IQR (interquartile range) for a numeric row.
LabelCounts |
Counts how often a label (ie string) occurs.
Max |
Calculates the max for a numeric row.
Mean |
Calculates the mean for a numeric row.
Median |
Calculates the median for a numeric row.
Min |
Calculates the min for a numeric row.
Missing |
Counts the missing cells.
MultiRowStatistic |
Combines the statistics calculated from the specified statistic generators.
Percentile |
Calculates the specified percentile.
SignalToNoiseRatio |
Calculates the signal to noise ratio for a numeric row.
For more information, see:
StandardDeviation |
Calculates the standard deviation (population or sample).
Sum |
Calculates the sum for a numeric row.
Unique |
Counts the unique occurrences of numeric/string values.