class |
AbstractArrayDistance<T extends Number> |
Ancestor for distance measures.
class |
ArrayAngle<T extends Number> |
Calculates the angle between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayBinning<T extends Number> |
Bins the data from given array using the specified algorithm and post-processing approach.
class |
ArrayChebyshevDistance |
Calculates the Chebyshev distance between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayCorrelationCoefficient<T extends Number> |
Calculates the correlation coefficient between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayCovariance<T extends Number> |
Calculates the covariance between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayDifference<T extends Number> |
Calculates the difference between the arrays.
class |
ArrayEuclideanDistance |
Calculates the Euclidean distance between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayHistogram<T extends Number> |
Generates a histogram from the given array.
The formulas for the various width/#bin calculations can be found here:
WikiPedia (2010).
class |
ArrayKendallTheil<T extends Number> |
Calculates the Kendall-Theil robust slope (also called Theil-Sen estimator) between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayLinearRegression<T extends Number> |
Calculates the slope and intercept of linear regression between two arrays (x and y).
If more than two arrays supplied, then the linear regression is computed between the first (x) and all the other ones (y).
class |
ArrayManhattanDistance |
Calculates the Manhattan distance between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayMeanAbsoluteError<T extends Number> |
Calculates the mean absolute error (MAE) between the first array (actual) and the remaining arrays (predicted).
class |
ArrayMinkowskiDistance |
Calculates the Minkowski distance between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayNormalize<T extends Number> |
Normalizes the array(s), i.e., the sum of its/their values is 1.0.
class |
ArrayNormalizeRange<T extends Number> |
Normalizes the array(s) to the specified lower and upper bound.
class |
ArrayRelativeAbsoluteError<T extends Number> |
Calculates the relative absolute error (RAE) between the first array (actual) and the remaining arrays (predicted).
class |
ArrayRootMeanSquaredError<T extends Number> |
Calculates the root mean squared error (RMSE) between the first array (actual) and the remaining arrays (predicted).
class |
ArrayRootRelativeSquaredError<T extends Number> |
Calculates the root relative squared error (RRSE) between the first array (actual) and the remaining arrays (predicted).
class |
ArrayRSquared<T extends Number> |
Calculates the R^2 between the first array and the remaining arrays.
class |
ArrayStandardize<T extends Number> |
Standardizes the values in the array(s) to have mean 0 and stdev 1.
class |
ArrayStandardScores<T extends Number> |
Calculates the standard scores (or z scores) of the provided arrays.The arrays must be numeric, of course.