AbstractEnvironment |
Manages properties files and returns merged versions.
AbstractPropertiesDefinition |
Ancestor for properties definitions, whether they are merged or replaced.
ActorSuggestionDefinition |
Definition for the ActorSuggestion props file.
ActorTemplateSuggestionDefinition |
Definition for the ActorTemplateSuggestion props file.
AdvancedScriptEditorTemplatesDefinition |
Definition for the ScriptEditor templates props file.
BrowserDefinition |
Definition for the Browser props file.
CharsetDefinition |
Definition for the Charset props file.
ClassListerBlacklistDefinition |
Definition for the ClassLister blacklist file.
ClassListerDefinition |
Definition for the ClassLister props file.
ClasspathBlacklistDefinition |
Definition for the Classpath blacklist file.
ConditionsDefinition |
Definition for the Conditions props file.
ConversionDefinition |
Definition for the Conversion props file.
Database |
For environment-specific database stuff.
DatabaseConnectionDefinition |
Definition for the DatabaseConnection props file.
DbBackendDefinition |
Definition for the DbBackend props file.
DriversDefinition |
Definition for the Drivers props file.
EmailDefinition |
Definition for the Email props file.
Environment |
Manages properties files and returns merged versions.
ExternalActorSuggestionDefinition |
Definition for the ExternalActorSuggestion props file.
FlowControlCenterPanelDefinition |
Definition for the FlowControlCenterPanel props file.
FlowDefinition |
Definition for the Flow props file.
FlowEditorPanelDefinition |
Definition for the FlowEditorPanel props file.
FlowEditorPanelMenuDefinition |
Definition for the FlowEditorPanel props file containing the menu.
FlowEditorTreePopupMenuDefinition |
Definition for the FlowEditor props file containing tree popup menu settings.
FlowEditorTreeQuickActionMenuDefinition |
Definition for the FlowEditor props file containing tree quick action menu settings.
FlowRunnerPanelDefinition |
Definition for the FlowRunnerPanel props file.
FontsDefinition |
Definition for the GUIHelper props file.
GOEBlacklistDefinition |
Definition for the GOEBlacklist props file.
GOEEditorsDefinition |
Definition for the GOEEditors props file.
GUIHelperDefinition |
Definition for the GUIHelper props file.
ImageViewerPanelDefinition |
Definition for the ImageViewerPanel props file.
InstanceCompareDefinition |
Definition for the InstanceCompare props file.
InstanceExplorerDefinition |
Definition for the InstanceExplorer props file.
JenericCmdlineDefinition |
Definition for the JenericCmdline props file.
JVisualVMDefinition |
Definition for the JVisualVM props file.
LocaleDefinition |
Definition for the Locale props file.
LogEntryDBViewerPanelDefinition |
Definition for the LogEntryDBViewerPanel props file.
LogEntryDefinition |
Definition for the LogEntry props file.
LogEntryViewerPanelDefinition |
Definition for the LogEntryViewerPanel props file.
MemoryMonitorDefinition |
Definition for the MemoryMonitor props file.
ModuleDefinition |
Definition for the Module props file.
Modules |
For managing module information.
Modules.Module |
Container class for module information.
NewInstanceDefinition |
Definition for the NewInstance props file.
OptionManagerDefinition |
Definition for the OptionManager props file.
OptionsDefinition |
Definition for the Options props file.
PerformanceDefinition |
Definition for the Performance props file.
PlaceholdersDefinition |
Definition for the Placeholders props file.
PreviewBrowserPanelDefinition |
Definition for the PreviewBrowserPanel props file.
Project |
Class for project related stuff.
ProxyDefinition |
Definition for the Proxy props file.
ScriptingDialogDefinition |
Definition for the ScriptingDialog props file.
ScriptingEngineDefinition |
Definition for the ScriptingEngine props file.
ScriptingLoggerDefinition |
Definition for the ScriptingLogger props file.
SequenceViewerDefinition |
Definition for the SequenceViewer props file.
Setup |
A container class for a props file and the directories to look for.
SimpleScriptEditorTemplatesDefinition |
Definition for the ScriptEditor templates props file.
SMBDefinition |
Definition for the SMB props file.
SpreadSheetExplorerDefinition |
Definition for the SpreadSheetExplorer props file.
SSLDefinition |
Definition for the SSL props file.
TableDefinition |
Definition for the Table props file.
TesseractDefinition |
Definition for the Tesseract props file.
TimeZoneDefinition |
Definition for the TimeZone props file.
WekaInvestigatorDefinition |
Definition for the Weka Investigator props file.
WekaInvestigatorShortcutsDefinition |
Definition for the Weka Investigator shortcuts props file.
WineDefinition |
Definition for the wine props file.