Class SequencePlotterContainer

    • Constructor Detail

      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer()
        Initializes the container with the default plot name and no X value and Y value of 0.0.

        Only used for generating help information.
      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer​(String plotName,
                                        Comparable y)
        Initializes the container with the specified plot name and no X value.
        plotName - the name of the plot
        y - the y value of the plot
      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer​(String plotName,
                                        Comparable y,
                                        SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType type)
        Initializes the container with the specified plot name and no X value.
        plotName - the name of the plot
        y - the y value of the plot
        type - what this container represents
      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer​(Comparable x,
                                        Comparable y)
        Initializes the container with the default plot name.
        x - the x value of the plot
        y - the y value of the plot
        See Also:
      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer​(String plotName,
                                        Comparable x,
                                        Comparable y)
        Initializes the container with the default plot name.
        plotName - the name of the plot
        x - the x value of the plot
        y - the y value of the plot
      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer​(String plotName,
                                        Comparable x,
                                        Comparable y,
                                        SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType type)
        Initializes the container with the default plot name.
        plotName - the name of the plot
        x - the x value of the plot
        y - the y value of the plot
        type - what this container represents
      • SequencePlotterContainer

        public SequencePlotterContainer​(String plotName,
                                        Comparable x,
                                        Comparable y,
                                        Double[] errorX,
                                        Double[] errorY,
                                        SequencePlotterContainer.ContentType type)
        Initializes the container with the default plot name.
        plotName - the name of the plot
        x - the x value of the plot
        y - the y value of the plot
        errorX - the error range for X
        errorY - the error range for Y
        type - what this container represents
    • Method Detail

      • addMetaData

        public Object addMetaData​(String key,
                                  Object value)
        Adds the meta-data key-value relation. Ignores null values.
        key - the key of the meta-data value
        value - the associated value
        any previously stored value, null if none replaced
      • hasMetaData

        public boolean hasMetaData()
        Checks whether any meta-data is stored.
        true if any meta-data stored
      • getMetaData

        public HashMap<String,​Object> getMetaData()
        Returns the meta-data, if any.
        the meta-data, null if none stored
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Checks whether the setup of the container is valid.
        Specified by:
        isValid in interface Container
        Specified by:
        isValid in class AbstractContainer
        true if all the necessary values are available