Class StorageQueueHandler.QueueItem

    • Field Detail

      • payload

        public Object payload
        the payload for the queue.
      • retrievalAt

        public long retrievalAt
        the timestamp when the object can be retrieved (walltime in msec).
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueueItem

        public QueueItem​(Object obj)
        Initializes the item with no retrieval timestamp.
        obj - the payload
      • QueueItem

        public QueueItem​(Object obj,
                         long timestamp)
        Initializes the item with the specified retrieval timestamp.
        obj - the payload
        timestamp - the retrieval timestamp (walltime in msec)
    • Method Detail

      • canRetrieve

        public boolean canRetrieve()
        Checks whether the item can be retrieved based on its retrieval timestamp.
        true if retrieval is possible