Class CallableNamesRecorder

    • Field Detail

      • m_Names

        protected Map<String,​Set<String>> m_Names
        the names recorded so far (per parent full name of actor reference handler).
      • m_FullNames

        protected Map<String,​Set<String>> m_FullNames
        the full names recorded to so far (per parent full name of actor reference handler).
    • Constructor Detail

      • CallableNamesRecorder

        public CallableNamesRecorder()
        Initializes the recorder.
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the recorded data.
      • generateKey

        protected String generateKey​(ActorHandler handler)
        Generates the key for the handler.
        handler - the handler to generate the key for
        the key
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(ActorHandler handler,
                                Actor actor)
        Checks whether the name of the actor is already in use.
        handler - the handler for the actor
        actor - the actor to check
        true if already in use
      • add

        public void add​(ActorHandler handler,
                        Actor actor)
        Adds the name to the recorded ones.
        handler - the handler for the actor
        actor - the actor to add