Interface FlowExecutionListener

    • Method Detail

      • setOwner

        void setOwner​(Flow value)
        Sets the owning flow.
        value - the owner
      • getOwner

        Flow getOwner()
        Returns the owning flow.
        the owner
      • startListening

        void startListening()
        Gets called when the flow execution starts.
      • preInput

        void preInput​(Actor actor,
                      Token token)
        Gets called before the actor receives the token.
        actor - the actor that will receive the token
        token - the token that the actor will receive
      • postInput

        void postInput​(Actor actor)
        Gets called after the actor received the token.
        actor - the actor that received the token
      • preExecute

        void preExecute​(Actor actor)
        Gets called before the actor gets executed.
        actor - the actor that will get executed
      • postExecute

        void postExecute​(Actor actor)
        Gets called after the actor was executed.
        actor - the actor that was executed
      • preOutput

        void preOutput​(Actor actor)
        Gets called before a token gets obtained from the actor.
        actor - the actor the token gets obtained from
      • postOutput

        void postOutput​(Actor actor,
                        Token token)
        Gets called after a token was acquired from the actor.
        actor - the actor that the token was acquired from
        token - the token that was acquired from the actor
      • finishListening

        void finishListening()
        Gets called when the flow execution ends.