AbstractAppendableFileWriter |
Ancestor for file writers that allow appending to the file instead of just
replacing any existing files.
AbstractComponentDisplayPanel |
Ancestor for panels that can be created from tokens and supply the
underlying component.
AbstractDbSink |
Ancestor for sinks that use the database.
AbstractDisplay |
Ancestor for actors that display stuff.
AbstractDisplayPanel |
Ancestor for panels that can be created from tokens.
AbstractFileWriter |
Ancestor for sinks that write to output files.
AbstractGraphicalDisplay |
Ancestor for actors that display stuff.
AbstractGraphicsGenerator |
Ancestor for actors that generate graphics of some kind.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for sink script actors.
AbstractSink |
Ancestor for all flow items that function as sink.
AbstractTextAndComponentDisplayPanel |
Ancestor for panels that can be created from tokens and supply the
underlying component or text.
AbstractTextDisplayPanel |
Ancestor for panels that can be created from tokens and supply the
underlying text.
AbstractTextualDisplay |
Ancestor for actors that display textual stuff.
AbstractWekaModelWriter |
Ancestor for actors that serialize models.
ActualVsPredictedPlot |
Plots actual vs predicted columns obtained from a spreadsheet.
ArrayDisplay |
Displays the array elements in a single panel.
AutogeneratedSink |
Encapsulates a sequence of auto-generated actors.
Can be removed with the adams.flow.processor.RemoveAutogeneratedActors processor.
BinaryFileWriter |
Writes a byte array or adams.data.blob.BlobContainer to a binary file.
BoxPlot |
* Actor for displaying box plots.
* For more information, see:
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_plot
Valid options are:
Browser |
Displays a URL in a webbrowser.
By default, the system's default browser is used.
CallableSink |
Lets a callable sink consume the input tokens.
Canvas |
General purpose drawing canvas.
CloseInputStream |
Closes the incoming input stream instance.
See also:
- accepts:
CloseReader |
Closes the incoming reader instance.
See also:
- accepts:
Console |
Non-graphical actor that outputs any object that arrives at its input port via the 'toString()' method on stdout.
ContainerDisplay |
Actor for displaying a spreadsheet.
ControlChartPlot |
Actor for generating control chart plots.
The plot needs to be initialized with a class adams.flow.container.ControlChartContainer.
CopyCallableSink |
Copies a callable sink to consume the tokens.
Display |
Actor that outputs any object that arrives at its input port via the 'toString()' method.
DisplayPanelGrid |
Sink that places a panel in the grid for each each arriving token.
Uses the user-defined panel provider for creating the panels.
DisplayPanelManager |
Actor that displays a 'history' of panels created by the selected panel provider.
DisplayPanelManager.DisplayPanelHistoryPanel |
A history panel that keeps track of named DisplayPanel objects, e.g.,
containing experiments results.
DisplayPanelManager.HistorySplitPanel |
Represents a panel with a history on the left and the displayed panel
on the right.
DOMDisplay |
Displays a DOM node object as tree structure.
DownloadFile |
Downloads a file from a URL and saves it locally.
Also handles basic authentication when using URLs like this:
- accepts:
DumpFile |
Actor that just dumps any input token into a separate line of the specified output file.
EmailFileWriter |
Actor that writes Email objects to files.
EmailViewer |
Actor for displaying an email object.
EnQueue |
Enqueues the incoming data in the specified queue in internal storage.
Exec |
Pipes the incoming data, after converting it using the provided conversion scheme, into the started process.
ExternalSink |
Sink that executes an external sink actor stored on disk.
FileBrowser |
Displays the file or directory with the system's file browser.
FilePreview |
Actor for previewing file contents.
FilePreview.FilePreviewDisplayPanel |
FlowDisplay |
Displays an actor or flow.
FlowFileWriter |
Writes the incoming actor(s) to a file.
A custom flow writer can be specified.
FourInOneDisplay |
Actor for displaying a four-in-one plot.
Groovy |
A sink that uses a Groovy script for processing the token(s).
Histogram |
Generates a histogram based on the incoming data.
HistoryDisplay |
Actor that outputs any object that arrives at its input port via the 'toString()' method in a separate 'history' entry.
HistoryDisplay.HistorySplitPanel |
Represents a panel with a history on the left and the displayed text
on the right.
Html4Display |
Viewer for HTML 4.
ImageFileWriter |
Writes the image to disk using the specified writer.
ImageHistogram |
Displays a histogram of a gray image or histograms per channel for color image.
ImageSegmentationFileWriter |
Write image segmentation containers using the specified writer.
ImageSegmentationViewer |
Displays image segmentation containers.
ImageSegmentationViewer.ImageSegmentationViewerDisplayPanel |
ImageViewer |
Actor for displaying an image.
ImageViewer.ImageViewerDisplayPanel |
InactiveSink |
Encapsulates a sequence of inactive actors.
Can be removed with the adams.flow.processor.ReactivateActors processor.
IncludeExternalSink |
Includes an external sink.
IndexedSplitsRunsWriter |
Reads indexed splits runs from disk using the specified writer.
InformationDialog |
Displays the incoming message in a message box.
JavaLogging |
Uses the Java logging framework to output the incoming data.
Simply uses an object's 'toString()' method.
JFreeChartFileWriter |
Generates a JFreeChart plot and writes the bitmap to a file.
JFreeChartPlot |
Generates and displays a plot using JFreeChart.
JsonDisplay |
Displays a JSON object as tree structure.
JsonFileWriter |
Writes a JSON object/array to a file.
LargeObjectDbWriter |
Allows storing large objects in a SQL database.
LogDumper |
Actor that stores LogEntry objects in a file (CSV format).
Logger |
Actor that stores LogEntry objects in the Log table.
LogViewer |
Actor that displays LogEntry objects, but doesn't store them in the database.
Mat5FileWriter |
Writes the Mat5File object to the specified file.
MatrixPlot |
Actor for displaying a matrix of scatter plots
Valid options are:
MenuItem |
Launches a menu item from the main menu.
MergeFiles |
Combines the incoming files in a single one.
NotesWriter |
Saves the notes attached to a data structure to a text file.
Null |
Actor that gobbles up all tokens, like '/dev/null' in Unix.
ObjectPreview |
Actor for previewing file contents.
ObjectPreview.FilePreviewDisplayPanel |
ObjectViewer |
Allows to inspect any object using ADAMS' inspection capabilities.
OpenFile |
Opens the incoming file with the appropriate platform-specific application.
Does nothing in a headless (non-graphical) environment.
PasteFiles |
Generates a single file from combined lines from the input files.
PDFCloseDocument |
Closes the incoming PDF document, writing out its content.
The PDF document can be generated with adams.flow.source.PDFNewDocument and appended using adams.flow.transformer.PDFAppendDocument.
See also:
- accepts:
PDFViewer |
Actor for displaying PDF files.
PlotContainerSink |
Actor that outputs the plot containers in various formats.
PlotContainerSink.DoubleComparator |
Comparator for doubles that are stored as string.
ProbabilityPlotDisplay |
Actor for displaying a probability plot
Valid options are:
ProgrammaticSink |
For programmatically hooking into a flow and receive tokens.
ProgressBar |
Displays a progress bar.
ProgressBar.ProgressBarPanel |
Panel for displaying a progress bar.
PropertiesDisplay |
Displays a Properties object as table.
PropertiesFileWriter |
Writes a Java properties object to a file.
Publish |
Publishes the incoming data using the specified publish/subscribe handler in storage.
PyroSink |
Consumes data using a Pyro4 call.
For more information see:
- accepts:
RemoteCommandWriter |
Sends a command to the remote host defined by the connection settings.
Unsuccessful commands can be store on disk to retry later.
ReportDisplay |
Displays reports.
ScatterDisplay |
Actor for displaying a scatter plot of one attribute vs another.
Screenshot |
Actor that takes screenshots of graphical components.
Scripted |
A sink that uses an exterrnal script for processing the token(s).
SendEmail |
Actor for sending emails.
SendNotification |
Sends the incoming message string via the configured notification scheme.
SendRemoteCommand |
Sends a command to the remote host defined by the connection settings.
Unsuccessful commands can be store on disk to retry later.
SequencePlotter |
Actor that plots sequences over time.
See also:
- accepts:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer: PlotName, X, Y, Content type, Error X, Error Y, MetaData
Serialize |
Saves a Java object to a file using the specified object writer.
SideBySideDiff |
Actor for displaying a side-by-side diff.
SimpleLogging |
Turns the incoming objects into strings, formats them with the selected formatter and then outputs them with the specified output(s).
SimplePlot |
Actor for generating simple plots.
See also:
- accepts:
Container information:
- adams.flow.container.SequencePlotterContainer: PlotName, X, Y, Content type, Error X, Error Y, MetaData
Socket |
Just outputs the data to the specified socket.
Any incoming data that isn't a byte array gets converted to a string and its bytes (using the specified encoding) are then transmitted.
See also:
- accepts:
SpreadSheetDbWriter |
Transfers a SpreadSheet object into a database.
SpreadSheetDisplay |
Actor for displaying a spreadsheet.
Custom background for negative/positive values can be specified as well.
SpreadSheetDisplay.SpreadSheetDisplayPanel |
SpreadSheetFileWriter |
Actor that writes SpreadSheet objects to files.
SpreadSheetRowViewer |
Actor for displaying spreadsheet rows in a graphical way, like the 'Spreadsheet Explorer' tool.
StringTree |
Generates a tree from the strings arriving at the input, splitting them into parts using the specified separator.
StringTree.HierarchicalStringNode |
StringTree.HierarchicalStringTree |
Custom tree for displaying the strings.
TemplateSink |
Lets a sink generated from a template consume the input tokens.
TextWriter |
Writes incoming textual data to a text file.
TimeseriesDisplay |
Actor that displays timeseries.
WebSocketClient |
Sends the incoming data to a websocket server and forwards the received data.
WekaAttributeSummary |
Displays an attribute summary.
WekaClassifierErrors |
Actor for displaying classifier errors.
WekaClassifierErrors.DataGenerator |
Helper class for generating visualization data.
WekaCostBenefitAnalysis |
Actor for displaying a cost benefit analysis dialog.
WekaCostCurve |
Actor for displaying a cost curve.
WekaDatabaseWriter |
Actor for saving a weka.core.Instances object in a database.
The relation name of the incoming dataset can be used to replace the current filename (path and extension are kept).
WekaExperimentFileWriter |
Saves an experiment file.
WekaExperimentGenerator |
Generates an experiment setup that can be used in conjunction with the Experiment transformer actor.
WekaFileWriter |
Actor for saving a weka.core.Instances object as file.
The relation name of the incoming dataset can be used to replace the current filename (path and extension are kept).
WekaGraphVisualizer |
Displays BayesNet graphs in XML or BIF notation
Either displays the contents of a file or an object that implements weka.core.Drawable and generates a BayesNet graph.
WekaInstancesDisplay |
Actor for displaying a weka.core.Instances object in table format.
WekaInstancesPlot |
Actor for plotting one attribute vs another.
WekaInstanceViewer |
Actor for displaying adams.data.instance.Instance objects in a graphical way (using the internal format), like the 'Instance Explorer' tool.
WekaMarginCurve |
Actor for displaying margin errors.
WekaModelWriter |
Actor for saving a model (classifier or clusterer) alongside an optional header (i.e., weka.core.Instances object) as file.
WekaThresholdCurve |
Actor for displaying threshold curves, like ROC or precision/recall.
WekaTreeVisualizer |
Displays trees in dot notation.
XMLFileWriter |
Writes a org.w3c.dom.Document to an XML file.
In case of org.w3c.dom.Node objects, the owning document is written to disk.
YamlFileWriter |
Writes a Map object to a YAML file.
- accepts:
ZScoreDisplay |
Actor for displaying a z score plot
Valid options are: