Class SelectObjects

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AdditionalInformationHandler, ArrayProvider, CleanUpHandler, Destroyable, GlobalInfoSupporter, LoggingLevelHandler, LoggingSupporter, OptionHandler, QuickInfoSupporter, ShallowCopySupporter<Actor>, SizeOfHandler, Stoppable, StoppableWithFeedback, VariablesInspectionHandler, VariableChangeListener, Actor, ArrayProvider, AutomatableInteraction, AutomatableInteractiveActor, ErrorHandler, InteractiveActor, InteractiveActorWithCustomParentComponent, OutputProducer, StopModeSupporter, Serializable, Comparable

    public class SelectObjects
    extends AbstractSelectObjects
    Allows the user to select an arbitrary number of objects from the specified class hierarchy using the GenericObjectArray.
    It is possible to use this dialog for other objects as well that don't belong to a class hierarchy, e.g., adams.core.base.BaseString. This works as long as the class has a constructor which takes a String object. Enums are supported as well.

    - generates:

    -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> (property: loggingLevel)
        The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
        default: WARNING
    -name <java.lang.String> (property: name)
        The name of the actor.
        default: SelectObjects
    -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseAnnotation> (property: annotations)
        The annotations to attach to this actor.
    -skip <boolean> (property: skip)
        If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded 
        as it is.
        default: false
    -stop-flow-on-error <boolean> (property: stopFlowOnError)
        If set to true, the flow gets stopped in case this actor encounters an error;
         useful for critical actors.
        default: false
    -silent <boolean> (property: silent)
        If enabled, then no errors are output in the console.
        default: false
    -stop-if-canceled <boolean> (property: stopFlowIfCanceled)
        If enabled, the flow gets stopped in case the user cancels the dialog.
        default: false
    -custom-stop-message <java.lang.String> (property: customStopMessage)
        The custom stop message to use in case a user cancelation stops the flow 
        (default is the full name of the actor)
    -output-array <boolean> (property: outputArray)
        If enabled, the objects get output as array rather than one-by-one.
        default: false
    -super-class <adams.core.base.BaseClassname> (property: superClass)
        The superclass for the class hierarchy.
        default: java.lang.Object
    -initial-objects <adams.core.base.BaseString> [-initial-objects ...] (property: initialObjects)
        The initial objects to populate the dialog with.
    -non-interactive <boolean> (property: nonInteractive)
        If enabled, the initial objects are forwarded without user interaction.
        default: false
    -short-title <boolean> (property: shortTitle)
        If enabled uses just the name for the title instead of the actor's full 
        default: false
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form