AbstractFileSystemSearchlet |
Ancestor for file-system search algorithms.
AbstractFtpDirectoryListerBasedSearchlet |
AbstractLocalDirectoryListerBasedSearchlet |
AbstractSftpDirectoryListerBasedSearchlet |
AbstractSmbDirectoryListerBasedSearchlet |
BlockingSearch |
Executes the base search till there is a non-empty list returned or, if specified, the timeout reached.
FtpDirectorySearch |
Searches only for directories (FTP).
FtpDirectorySearchWithComparator |
Searches only for directories, but uses the comparator for sorting the directories (FTP).
FtpDirectorySearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for directories, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting (FTP).
FtpDirectorySearchWithCustomSort.SortContainer |
Custom container for sorting the filenames.
FtpFileSearch |
Searches only for files (FTP).
FtpFileSearchWithComparator |
Searches only for files, but uses the comparator for sorting the files (FTP).
FtpFileSearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for files, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting (FTP).
LocalDirectorySearch |
Searches only for directories.
LocalDirectorySearchWithComparator |
Searches only for directories, but uses the comparator for sorting the directories.
LocalDirectorySearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for directories, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting.
LocalDirectorySearchWithCustomSort.SortContainer |
Custom container for sorting the filenames.
LocalDirectorySearchWithTimestampConstraints |
Searches only for directories.
Allows to further restrict the search using a timestamp window ('last modified') that the directories must satisfy.
LocalFileSearch |
Searches only for files.
LocalFileSearchWithComparator |
Searches only for files, but uses the comparator for sorting the files.
LocalFileSearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for files, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting.
LocalFileSearchWithTimestampConstraints |
Searches only for files.
Allows to further restrict the search using a timestamp window ('last modified') that the files must satisfy.
MultiSearch |
Combines the search results of multiple search algorithms.
SftpDirectorySearch |
Searches only for directories (SFTP).
SftpDirectorySearchWithComparator |
Searches only for directories, but uses the comparator for sorting the directories (SFTP).
SftpDirectorySearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for directories, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting (SFTP).
SftpDirectorySearchWithCustomSort.SortContainer |
Custom container for sorting the filenames.
SftpFileSearch |
Searches only for files (SFTP).
SftpFileSearchWithComparator |
Searches only for files, but uses the comparator for sorting the files (SFTP).
SftpFileSearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for files, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting (SFTP).
SmbDirectorySearch |
Searches only for directories (SMB, Windows shares).
SmbDirectorySearchWithComparator |
Searches only for directories, but uses the comparator for sorting the directories (SMB, Windows shares).
SmbDirectorySearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for directories, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting (SMB, Windows shares).
SmbDirectorySearchWithCustomSort.SortContainer |
Custom container for sorting the filenames.
SmbFileSearch |
Searches only for files (SMB, Windows shares).
SmbFileSearchWithComparator |
Searches only for files, but uses the comparator for sorting the files (SMB, Windows shares).
SmbFileSearchWithCustomSort |
Searches only for files, but uses a regular expression to reassemble the name and perform the sorting (SMB, Windows shares).