Class LogEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AdditionalInformationHandler, CleanUpHandler, Destroyable, GlobalInfoSupporter, LoggingLevelHandler, LoggingListener, LoggingSupporter, OptionHandler, QuickInfoSupporter, ShallowCopySupporter<Actor>, SizeOfHandler, Stoppable, StoppableWithFeedback, VariablesInspectionHandler, VariableChangeListener, Actor, ActorHandler, DaemonEvent, ErrorHandler, Event, Flushable, MutableActorHandler, Serializable, Comparable

    public class LogEvent
    extends AbstractMutableActorDaemonEvent<LogRecord,​Object>
    implements MutableActorHandler, DaemonEvent, LoggingListener
    Listens to the global log record handler and processes records that passed the specified filter(s).
    This allows, for instance, the output of log messages into a log file.
    By default, log records are only processed if the sub-actors are not currently being executed. In other words, log records will get dropped if the record processing takes longer than the record generation. Enable the 'noDiscard' property to process all log events - NB: this can slow down the system significantly.

    Valid options are:

    -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> (property: loggingLevel)
        The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
        default: WARNING
    -name <java.lang.String> (property: name)
        The name of the actor.
        default: LogEvent
    -annotation <adams.core.base.BaseText> (property: annotations)
        The annotations to attach to this actor.
    -skip <boolean> (property: skip)
        If set to true, transformation is skipped and the input token is just forwarded 
        as it is.
        default: false
    -stop-flow-on-error <boolean> (property: stopFlowOnError)
        If set to true, the flow gets stopped in case this actor encounters an error;
         useful for critical actors.
        default: false
    -filter <adams.flow.standalone.logevent.AbstractLogRecordFilter> (property: filter)
        The filter used for selecting log records for processing.
        default: adams.flow.standalone.logevent.AcceptAllFilter
    -processor <adams.flow.standalone.logevent.AbstractLogRecordProcessor> (property: processor)
        The processor used for turning the log record into a different format.
        default: adams.flow.standalone.logevent.SimpleProcessor
    -no-discard <boolean> (property: noDiscard)
        If enabled, no log event gets discarded; CAUTION: enabling this option can 
        slow down the system significantly.
        default: false
    -actor <adams.flow.core.Actor> [-actor ...] (property: actors)
        The actors to process the output generated from the log record.
    For more information on the schedule format, see CronTrigger Tutorial.
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form