AbstractActorTemplate |
Ancestor for generators that use templates for generating Actor
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for script-based templates.
AbstractScriptedTemplate |
Abstract ancestor for templates that execute external scripts.
DummySink |
A dummy sink template, used as default by the TemplateSink actor.
DummySource |
A dummy source template, used as default by the TemplateSource actor.
DummyStandalone |
A dummy standalone template, used as default by the TemplateStandalone actor.
DummyTransformer |
A dummy transformer template, used as default by the TemplateTransformer actor.
EndlessLoop |
Generates a simple while-loop that goes on forever.
FileProcessingWithProgressBar |
Generates a Trigger with a FileSystemSearch which updates a progress bar.
FromFile |
Merely loads an actor from a file.
Groovy |
Uses a Groovy script to generate a sub-flow.
InstanceDumperVariable |
Generates a sub-flow that sets a variable for the adams.flow.transformer.WekaInstanceDumper transformer's outputPrefix property using a prefix based on the full flow name.
IterateFilesWithProgressBar |
Generates a sub-flow that looks for files in a directory and then iterates those.
OptionTraverser |
Generates a sub-flow that displays the result of the specified option traversal algorithm, e.g., for displaying currently attached variables.
OptionTraverserWithSpreadSheetDisplay |
Generates a sub-flow that displays the result of the specified option traversal algorithm, e.g., for displaying currently attached variables.
Displays the results in a table.
ProgressInConsole |
Generates a sub-flow that outputs the token count every X number of tokens, with X being the interval supplied to this template.
PromptUser |
Generates a sub-flow that prompts the user with the specified parameters and stores the values in variables.
Scripted |
Uses a Groovy script to generate a sub-flow.
SimpleMenu |
Generates a sub-flow that displays a dialog with the choice strings as buttons.
If custom values are used, then these strings get stored in the variable rather than the choice strings.
When enabling looping, ensure you have an exit option in the menu that sets the loop_state variable to 'false' to avoid an endless loop menu.
StoreFilenameInVariable |
Creates a sub-flow that stores the filename passing through in a user-specified variable.
StoreReportValueInVariable |
Generates a sub-flow (enlosed by a Tee) that sets the value of a variable with the associated value from the report.
StringReplace |
Replaces strings that match the specified regular expressions in the file before instantiating an actor from it.
UpdateVariable |
Generates a sub-flow (enlosed by a Trigger) that retrieves and sets a variable, with the user being able to add custom actors in between for updating the variable value.