AbstractMetaObjectLocator |
Ancestor for object locators that enhance a base locator.
AbstractObjectLocator |
Ancestor for algorithms that locate objects in images.
AcceptAllLocatedObjectsFilter |
Dummy filter that accepts all objects.
BinaryContours |
Uses the BoofCV contour-finding algorithm to locate objects.
CannyBinary |
Uses the BoofCV canny binary algorithm to locate objects.
CannyEdges |
Uses the BoofCV canny edges algorithm to locate objects.
ChangeCanvasSize |
Places the located objects obtained from the base locator on a canvas of specified size at the specified position.
CroppedLocator |
Uses the defined crop algorithm to first crop the image before locating objects.
LocatedObject |
Container for located objects.
LocatedObjects |
Container for located objects.
PassThrough |
Dummy, just forwards container with input image.
SizeFilter |
Allows filtering the located objects based on the min/max width/height.
XScreenMaskLocator |
Using the XScreenMask, this locator masks out the background plate (similar to a green screening process)then proceeds to find blobs in the resultant image.