class |
AbstractMetaPdfProclet |
Ancestor for proclets that wrap another base-proclet.
class |
AbstractPdfProcletWithFilenameOutput |
Abstract ancestor for processors that can add the filename as well.
class |
AbstractPdfProcletWithPageBreaks |
Ancestor for processors handle page breaks.
class |
AbstractSpreadSheetPdfProclet |
Ancestor for proclets that use spreadsheets.
class |
Circle |
Draws a circle.
class |
ConfusionMatrix |
Adds CSV files (or any spreadsheet files that is supported) as table.
class |
FixedText |
Adds the fixed text line by line, variables get expanded automatically.
class |
Headline |
Adds a simple headline, but no file content.
class |
Image |
Adds GIF, JPEG and PNG image files.
class |
Line |
Draws a line.
class |
MetaHeadline |
Adds a simple headline before applying the base proclet.
class |
NewPage |
Adds a new page whenever a file with the specified extension is processed.
class |
PlainText |
Adds plain-text files line by line.
class |
Rectangle |
Draws a rectangle.
class |
SpreadSheet |
Adds CSV files (or any spreadsheet files that is supported) as table.