AbstractColorProviderPixelSelectorOverlay |
Overlay that uses a color provider for the painting the various elements
of the overlay.
AbstractPixelSelectorAction |
Ancestor for actions for the PixelSelector interactive transformer.
AbstractPixelSelectorOverlay |
Ancestor for overlays in the pixel selector GUI, making use of the data
stored in the report.
AbstractSingleColorPixelSelectorOverlay |
Overlay that uses a single, user-defined color.
AddClassification |
Allows the user to select a pixel location and add a corresponding classification for it.
Stores the location with prefix 'Pixel.X.' and 'Pixel.Y.' and the classification using 'Classification.' as prefix.
BottomRightCorner |
Allows the user to select a pixel location of the bottom-right corner.
Stores the location in 'Pixel.Right' and 'Pixel.Bottom'.
ClassificationOverlay |
Highlights the chosen classifications.
Some actions that generate data for this overlay:
Valid options are:
PixelSelectorPanel |
Combines an ImagePanel and a Report table.
RectangleOverlay |
Simply highlights the selected pixel
Some actions that generate data for this overlay:
Valid options are:
SimpleOverlay |
Simply highlights the selected pixel
Some actions that generate data for this overlay:
Valid options are:
SimpleSelect |
Allows the user to select a pixel location.
Stores the location in 'Pixel.X' and 'Pixel.Y'.
TopLeftCorner |
Allows the user to select a pixel location of the top-left corner.
Stores the location in 'Pixel.Left' and 'Pixel.Top'.