Class ActorTreePanel

    • Field Detail

      • m_ClassTree

        protected ClassTree m_ClassTree
        the tree with the actors.
      • m_SearchPanel

        protected SearchPanel m_SearchPanel
        the search panel.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActorTreePanel

        public ActorTreePanel()
    • Method Detail

      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class BasePanel
      • getNodePopup

        protected BasePopupMenu getNodePopup​(String classname)
        Creates a popup menu for the classname.
        classname - the class that the popup is for
        the popup
      • copyToClipboard

        protected void copyToClipboard​(String classname)
        Copies the actor to the clipboard.
        classname - the class name of the actor to copy to the clipboard
      • showHelp

        protected void showHelp​(String classname)
        Displays a help dialog for the actor.
        classname - the class name of the actor to show the help for
      • getItemNodePopup

        public BasePopupMenu getItemNodePopup​(DotNotationNode node,
                                              boolean isLeaf)
        Returns the popup menu for a class node.
        Specified by:
        getItemNodePopup in interface PopupMenuHandler
        node - the class node
        isLeaf - whether the node is the last ClassNode node in this branch
        the popup or null if no popup available
      • setMinimumChars

        public void setMinimumChars​(int value)
        Sets the minimum number of characters that the user needs to enter before triggering a search event.
        value - the minimum number of characters (>= 1)
      • getMinimumChars

        public int getMinimumChars()
        Returns the minimum number of characters that the user needs to enter before triggering a search event.
        the minimum number of characters (>= 1)