class |
ActiveClearGraphicalOutput |
Removes all graphical output.
class |
ActiveDebug |
Executes the active flow in debug mode.
class |
ActiveDisplayErrors |
Displays errors from last run.
class |
ActiveKill |
Kills the active flow.
class |
ActivePauseResume |
Pauses/resumes the active flow.
class |
ActiveRun |
Executes the flow flagged as active (if any).
class |
ActiveStop |
Stops the active flow.
class |
ActiveStorage |
Brings up dialog with current storage items.
class |
ActiveValidateSetup |
Validates the active setup.
class |
ActiveVariables |
Brings up dialog with current variables of the active flow.
class |
EditCheckVariables |
Checks the variable usage.
class |
EditCleanUpFlow |
Cleans up the flow.
class |
EditClearClipboard |
Clears the system clipboard.
class |
EditDiff |
Shows differences between versions of flows.
class |
EditFind |
Opens find dialog.
class |
EditListTODOs |
Opens dialog for listing TODOs.
class |
EditLocateActor |
Opens dialog for locating actor.
class |
EditLocateStorageName |
Opens dialog for locating a storage item.
class |
EditLocateVariable |
Opens dialog for locating a variable.
class |
EditProcessActors |
Applies an actor processor.
class |
EditRedo |
Performs redo.
class |
EditUndo |
Performs undo.
class |
FileClose |
Closes the editor.
class |
FileClosePage |
Lets user close a page.
class |
FileExport |
Lets user export a flow.
class |
FileImport |
Lets user import a flow.
class |
FileNewFlow |
Opens a new tab with an empty Flow .
class |
FileNewFromClipboard |
Opens a new tab with the actor from the clipboard.
class |
FileOpen |
Lets user open a flow.
class |
FileProperties |
Displays properties of a flow.
class |
FileRevert |
Lets user revert a flow to version from disk.
class |
FileSave |
Lets user save a flow.
class |
FileSaveAs |
Lets user save a flow under new filename.
class |
HelpActors |
Shows help on actors.
class |
HelpBooleanExpression |
Shows help on boolean expressions.
class |
HelpClasses |
Shows help on classes.
class |
HelpMathematicalExpression |
Shows help on mathematical expressions.
class |
HelpStringExpression |
Shows help on string expressions.
class |
HelpVariables |
Shows help on variables.
class |
RunClearGraphicalOutput |
Removes all graphical output.
class |
RunDebug |
Executes the flow in debug mode.
class |
RunDisableAllBreakpoints |
Disables all breakpoints.
class |
RunDisplayErrors |
Displays errors from last run.
class |
RunEnableAllBreakpoints |
Enables all breakpoints.
class |
RunKill |
Kills the flow.
class |
RunParseError |
Opens dialog for parsing an error.
class |
RunPauseResume |
Pauses/resumes the flow.
class |
RunRemoveAllBreakpoints |
Removes all breakpoints.
class |
RunRun |
Executes the flow.
class |
RunRunAll |
Executes all the flow.
class |
RunStop |
Stops the flow.
class |
RunStopAll |
Stops all the flow.
class |
RunStorage |
Brings up dialog with current storage items.
class |
RunValidateSetup |
Validates the current setup.
class |
RunVariables |
Brings up dialog with current variables.
class |
ViewFullExpansion |
Fully expands the flow and displays it in a new tab.
class |
ViewRedraw |
Redraws the flow.
class |
ViewShowSource |
Displays the source of the flow.
class |
ViewStatistics |
Displays statistics about the flow.
class |
WindowDuplicateInTab |
Duplicates the flow in a new page.
class |
WindowDuplicateInWindow |
Duplicates the flow in a new window.
class |
WindowHalfHeight |
Adjust the height to half the screen.
class |
WindowHalfWidth |
Adjust the width to half the screen.
class |
WindowMoveToNewWindow |
Moves the tab to a new editor window.
class |
WindowNew |
Opens a new editor window.