AbstractGenericObjectEditorPopupMenuCustomizer |
Ancestor for classes that customize the GOE popup menu.
CustomizerComparator |
Comparator for sorting the customizers.
Edit |
Edits the item.
EncloseBooleanCondition |
Encloses a BooleanCondition.
EncloseClassifier |
For enclosing classifiers in SingleClassifierEnhancer wrappers.
EncloseClusterer |
For enclosing clusterers in SingleClustererEnhancer wrappers.
EncloseConversion |
Encloses a conversion in a MultiConversion.
Favorites |
Adds the favorites sub-menu.
History |
Adds history support.
InvertInstancesColumnFinder |
Encloses a Instances ColumnFinder in Invert.
InvertInstancesRowFinder |
Encloses a Instances RowFinder in Invert.
InvertSpreadSheetColumnFinder |
Encloses a SpreadSheet ColumnFinder in Invert.
InvertSpreadSheetRowFinder |
Encloses a SpreadSheet RowFinder in Invert.
PullUpBooleanCondition |
Pulls up the BooleanCondition from the Not condition.
PullUpClassifier |
For pulling up classifiers from SingleClassifierEnhancer wrappers.
PullUpClusterer |
For pulling up clusterers from SingleClustererEnhancer wrappers.
PullUpInstancesColumnFinder |
Pulls up the base Instances ColumnFinder from a filtered ColumnFinder.
PullUpInstancesRowFinder |
Pulls up the base Instances RowFinder from a filtered RowFinder.
PullUpSpreadSheetColumnFinder |
Pulls up the base SpreadSheet ColumnFinder from a filtered ColumnFinder.
PullUpSpreadSheetRowFinder |
Pulls up the base SpreadSheet RowFinder from a filtered RowFinder.
SwapActor |
Allows the swapping of an actor.
Variables |
Adds variable-related menu items.