Class PrintMouseListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrintMouseListener

        public PrintMouseListener​(JComponent component)
        Initializes the listener. Listening component is the same as the one being printed.
        component - the component for which to create the listener and which to print then
      • PrintMouseListener

        public PrintMouseListener​(JComponent listener,
                                  JComponent printed)
        Initializes the listener. Listening component can be different from one being printed.
        listener - the component for which to create the listener
        printed - the component that is being printed
    • Method Detail

      • initFileChooser

        protected void initFileChooser()
        initializes the filechooser, i.e. locates all the available writers in the current package
      • saveComponent

        public void saveComponent()
        displays a save dialog for saving the panel to a file.