Class AbstractSequenceViewerPanel

    • Field Detail

      • m_PanelSQL

        protected JPanel m_PanelSQL
        the panel for the SQL statement.
      • m_TextSQL

        protected BaseTextPane m_TextSQL
        the text area for the SQL statement.
      • m_ComboboxTemplates

        protected BaseComboBox m_ComboboxTemplates
        the combobox with the templates.
      • m_ButtonExecute

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonExecute
        the button for executing the SQL.
      • m_PanelResults

        protected JPanel m_PanelResults
        the panel for the results.
      • m_TabbedPaneResults

        protected BaseTabbedPane m_TabbedPaneResults
        the tabbed pane for the results.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSequenceViewerPanel

        public AbstractSequenceViewerPanel()
    • Method Detail

      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class BasePanel
      • getSequenceProvider

        protected abstract SequenceProvider getSequenceProvider()
        Returns the sequence provider used for generating the data.
        the sequence provider in use
      • createDocument

        public static Document createDocument()
        Creates a new document for the dialog, with syntax highlighting support.
        the new document
      • loadTemplate

        protected void loadTemplate()
        Loads the currently selected template into the text area.
      • execute

        protected void execute()
        Executes the current SQL and displays the results.