Class GrayOrIndexedImageHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Destroyable, GlobalInfoSupporter, LoggingLevelHandler, LoggingSupporter, OptionHandler, SizeOfHandler, ContentHandler, ColorProviderHandler, Serializable

    public class GrayOrIndexedImageHandler
    extends AbstractContentHandler
    implements ColorProviderHandler
    Changes the unique colors to the ones specified by the color provider for the following image types: bmp,dcx,gif,hdr,icns,ico,jpg,pcx,png,pnm,psd,tif,tiff,wbmp,xbm,xpm

    -logging-level <OFF|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST> (property: loggingLevel)
        The logging level for outputting errors and debugging output.
        default: WARNING
    -reader <> (property: reader)
        The image reader to use.
    -color-provider <adams.gui.visualization.core.ColorProvider> (property: colorProvider)
        The color provider to use for coloring in the grayscale/indexed image.
        default: adams.gui.visualization.core.CustomColorProvider -color #ffff00 -color #0000ff -color #ff0000
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • m_Reader

        protected ImageReader m_Reader
        the image reader to use.
      • m_ColorProvider

        protected ColorProvider m_ColorProvider
        the color provider for generating the colors.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GrayOrIndexedImageHandler

        public GrayOrIndexedImageHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultReader

        protected ImageReader getDefaultReader()
        Returns the default image reader.
        the default
      • setReader

        public void setReader​(ImageReader value)
        Sets the image reader to use.
        value - the image reader
      • getReader

        public ImageReader getReader()
        Returns the imag reader to use.
        the image reader
      • readerTipText

        public String readerTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the gui
      • getDefaultColorProvider

        protected ColorProvider getDefaultColorProvider()
        Returns the default color provider.
        the default
      • colorProviderTipText

        public String colorProviderTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        Specified by:
        colorProviderTipText in interface ColorProviderHandler
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the gui
      • getExtensions

        public String[] getExtensions()
        Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
        Specified by:
        getExtensions in interface ContentHandler
        the list of extensions (no dot)