AbstractRemoteControlCenterTab |
Ancestor for tabs to be shown in the Remote Control Center.
AbstractRemoteFlowTab |
Ancestor for tabs that get applied to remote flows using their ID(s).
AbstractRemoteFlowTab.FlowListResponseHandler |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows
remote command.
AbstractTabResponseHandler<T extends AbstractRemoteControlCenterTab> |
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows
remote command.
AdvancedTab |
Sends a command.
AdvancedTab.InspectionResponseHandler |
GenericObjectEditorResponseConnectionUpdater |
Updates the response connection.
RemoteFlowCommandsTab |
Tab for executing actions on remote flows.
RemoteLoggingTab |
Tab for starting/stopping tapping into the logging messages of a remote
flow (both machines can communicate via host/port).
RemoteLoggingTab.LoggingResponseHandler |
Updates the buttons accordingly and displays error messages.
RemoteLoggingTab.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog |
Runnable that outputs the log records to a log.
SimpleTabResponseHandler |
Only displays errors.