Class DatabaseContainer

    • Field Detail

      • m_URL

        protected String m_URL
        the database URL.
      • m_Query

        protected String m_Query
        the query used to load the data.
      • m_User

        protected String m_User
        the user.
      • m_Password

        protected String m_Password
        the password.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseContainer

        public DatabaseContainer​(String url,
                                 String user,
                                 String pw,
                                 String query)
        Loads the data using the specified url/query.
        url - the JDBC URL
        user - the database user
        pw - the password
        query - the query used
    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        public String getSource()
        Returns the source of the data item.
        the source
      • canReload

        public boolean canReload()
        Whether it is possible to reload this item.
        true if reloadable
      • doReload

        protected String doReload()
        Reloads the data.
        Specified by:
        doReload in class AbstractDataContainer
        null if successfully reloaded, otherwise error message