Class InvestigatorTabbedPane

    • Constructor Detail

      • InvestigatorTabbedPane

        public InvestigatorTabbedPane​(InvestigatorPanel owner)
        Initializes the tabbed pane.
        owner - the owning investigator instance
    • Method Detail

      • getOwner

        public InvestigatorPanel getOwner()
        Returns the owner.
        the owner
      • addTab

        public void addTab​(AbstractInvestigatorTab tab,
                           boolean show)
        Adds the tab.
        tab - the tab to add
        show - whether to make this tab visible
      • copySelectedTab

        public void copySelectedTab()
        Creates a copy of the current tab.
      • copyTabAt

        public void copyTabAt​(int index)
        Creates a copy of the specified tab.
        index - the index of the tab to copy
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface CleanUpHandler