AbstractColorGradientGenerator |
Ancestor for classes that generate color gradients.
AbstractColorProvider |
A class for providing colors.
AbstractCustomColorProvider |
Ancestor for custom color providers.
AbstractHistogramPanel<T> |
Ancestor for panels that generate and display histograms.
AbstractMouseMovementTracker |
An abstract superclass for mouse movement trackers.
AbstractPaintlet |
An abstract superclass for paint engines that can be plugged into panels.
AbstractStrokePaintlet |
Ancestor for paintlets that paint lines of some sort.
AbstractStrokePaintletWithContainerIDMatching |
Ancestor for paintlets that restrict painting to containers which ID
matches a regular expression.
AxisPanel |
Specialized panel for displaying an axis.
AxisPanelOptions |
Encapsulates options for an axis in a plot.
BackgroundImagePaintlet |
Paintlet for painting a background image.
BiColorGenerator |
Generates gradient colors between two colors.
ColorBlind12Provider |
Color provider for color blind people, using 12 colors.
ColorBlind15Provider |
Color provider for color blind people, using 15 colors.
ColorBlind24Provider |
Color provider for color blind people, using 24 colors.
ColorBlind8Provider |
Color provider for color blind people, using 8 colors.
ColorProviderBasedColorGradientGenerator |
Uses the specified color provider to generate the colors.
Mainly used for having control over colors when generating images.
ConfusionMatrixColorGenerator |
Generates gradient colors between two colors, with default values suitable for a confusion matrix.
CoordinatesPaintlet |
Paintlet for painting the coordinates.
CrossHairTracker |
A cross-hair mouse movement tracker.
CustomColorProvider |
Allows the user to define colors.
DefaultColorProvider |
The default color provider, which is used in various plots.
GradientColorProvider |
Uses a color gradient generator to generate the colors.
HorizontalIndicatorPaintlet |
Paintlet for painting a horizontal indicator line.
MultiColorGenerator |
Generates gradient colors between multiple colors.
MultiMouseMovementTracker |
Applies multiple trackers sequentially.
MultiPaintlet |
Paintlet that combines multiple paintlets.
NullTracker |
Dummy tracker that does nothing.
PaintablePanel |
An abstract superclass for panels that paint "stuff", e.g., plots.
PlotPanel |
A panel that contains a drawing (= content) area with (usually) two axes.
RegExpColorProvider |
Uses the provided regular expressions to determine the colors.
RgbInNameColorProvider |
Looks for an RGB color definition in the name, eg #ff0000.
TextOverlayPaintlet |
Simply paints the specified text at a certain location.
TrackMousePositionInConsole |
Simply outputs the mouse position in the console.
TranslucentColorProvider |
Allows the user to add translucency to the colors generated by the base color provider.
X11ColorProvider |
Color provider using a subset of colors from the X11 RGB text file.
For more information, see:
Jim Gettys, Paul Ravelling, John C.