Class StoragePanel

    • Field Detail

      • m_Handler

        protected StorageHandler m_Handler
        the current storage handler.
      • m_ButtonInspect

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonInspect
        the button for inspecting an item.
      • m_ButtonEdit

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonEdit
        the button for editing an item.
      • m_ButtonExport

        protected BaseButton m_ButtonExport
        the button for exporting an item.
      • m_CheckBoxPreview

        protected BaseCheckBox m_CheckBoxPreview
        the checkbox for previewing items.
      • m_DialogInspect

        protected BaseDialog m_DialogInspect
        the dialog for inspecting an item.
      • m_PanelInspect

        protected InspectionPanel m_PanelInspect
        the panel for inspecing an item.
      • m_PanelSearch

        protected SearchPanel m_PanelSearch
        the search panel.
      • m_PanelPreview

        protected JPanel m_PanelPreview
        the panel with the preview.
      • m_SplitPane

        protected BaseSplitPane m_SplitPane
        the split pane for table and preview.
      • m_CheckBoxRenderLimit

        protected BaseCheckBox m_CheckBoxRenderLimit
        the checkbox for applying a render limit.
      • m_TextFieldRenderLimit

        protected BaseTextField m_TextFieldRenderLimit
        the textfield for the render limit.
      • m_ButtonRenderLimit

        protected BaseFlatButton m_ButtonRenderLimit
        the button for applying the render limit.
      • m_RenderLimitChanged

        protected boolean m_RenderLimitChanged
        whether the render limit changed.
      • m_RenderLimitSupported

        protected boolean m_RenderLimitSupported
        whether the rendering limit is supported.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StoragePanel

        public StoragePanel()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initializes the members.
        initialize in class BasePanel
      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class BasePanel
      • updateButtons

        protected void updateButtons()
        Updates the enabled state of the buttons.
      • getRenderLimit

        protected Integer getRenderLimit()
        Returns the current render limit.
        the limit
      • updateRenderWidgets

        protected void updateRenderWidgets()
        Updates the state of the render widgets.
      • updateRenderLimit

        protected void updateRenderLimit()
        Updates the render limit.
      • renderObject

        protected void renderObject​(JPanel panel,
                                    Object obj)
        Renders the specified object in the provided panel.
        panel - the panel to use for rendering
        obj - the object to render
      • updatePreview

        protected void updatePreview()
        Updates the preview.
      • updateInspection

        protected void updateInspection()
        Updates the inspection (if visible).
        See Also:
      • newPreview

        protected void newPreview()
        Shows the preview in a new dialog.
      • getSelectedObjectID

        protected String getSelectedObjectID()
        Returns the ID of the currently selected object.
        the ID, null if none selected
      • getSelectedObject

        protected Object getSelectedObject()
        Returns the currently selected object.
        the object, null if none selected
      • copyName

        protected void copyName()
        Copies the name to the clipboard.
      • copyCache

        protected void copyCache()
        Copies the cache to the clipboard.
      • inspect

        protected void inspect()
        Brings up the dialog for inspecting an item.
      • inspect

        protected void inspect​(boolean newDialog)
        Brings up the dialog for inspecting an item.
        newDialog - true if to create a new dialog instead of using m_DialogInspect
      • canEdit

        protected boolean canEdit​(Object obj)
        Returns whether the object can be edited.
        obj - the object to check
        true if editable
      • edit

        protected void edit()
        Brings up the dialog for editing an item.
      • export

        protected void export()
        Brings up the dialog for exporting an item.
      • setHandler

        public void setHandler​(StorageHandler value)
        Sets the handler to display the storage items for.
        value - the handler to use
      • getHandler

        public StorageHandler getHandler()
        Returns the current storage handler.
        the handler, null if none set
      • showTablePopup

        protected void showTablePopup​(MouseEvent e)
        Shows popup for table.
        e - the mouse event
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface CleanUpHandler