Class AttributeValueCellRenderer

    • Field Detail

      • m_MissingColor

        protected Color m_MissingColor
        the color for missing values
      • m_MissingColorSelected

        protected Color m_MissingColorSelected
        the color for selected missing values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AttributeValueCellRenderer

        public AttributeValueCellRenderer()
        initializes the Renderer with a standard color
      • AttributeValueCellRenderer

        public AttributeValueCellRenderer​(Color missingColor,
                                          Color missingColorSelected)
        initializes the Renderer with the given colors
        missingColor - the color for missing values
        missingColorSelected - the color selected missing values
    • Method Detail

      • getTableCellRendererComponent

        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent​(JTable table,
                                                       Object value,
                                                       boolean isSelected,
                                                       boolean hasFocus,
                                                       int row,
                                                       int column)
        Returns the default table cell renderer. stuff for the header is taken from here
        Specified by:
        getTableCellRendererComponent in interface TableCellRenderer
        getTableCellRendererComponent in class DefaultTableCellRenderer
        table - the table this object belongs to
        value - the actual cell value
        isSelected - whether the cell is selected
        hasFocus - whether the cell has the focus
        row - the row in the table
        column - the column in the table
        the rendering component