Class PolygonFill

    • Field Detail

      • m_TextPolygonColor

        protected BaseColorTextField m_TextPolygonColor
        the text field for the polygon color.
      • m_TextPolygonStroke

        protected NumberTextField m_TextPolygonStroke
        the text field for the polygon stroke thickness.
      • m_RadioBackground

        protected JRadioButton m_RadioBackground
        the radio button for background.
      • m_RadioForeground

        protected JRadioButton m_RadioForeground
        the radio button for foreground.
      • m_TextZoom

        protected NumberTextField m_TextZoom
        the text field for the size.
      • m_PolygonColor

        protected Color m_PolygonColor
        the polygon color.
      • m_PolygonStroke

        protected float m_PolygonStroke
        the polygon stroke thickness.
      • m_Foreground

        protected boolean m_Foreground
        whether to fill in foreground.
      • m_Size

        protected int m_Size
        the current size.
      • m_Zoom

        protected double m_Zoom
        the current zoom.
      • m_Points

        protected List<Point> m_Points
        the polygon points.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PolygonFill

        public PolygonFill()
    • Method Detail

      • globalInfo

        public String globalInfo()
        Returns a string describing the object.
        a description suitable for displaying in the gui
      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initializes the members.
        initialize in class AbstractTool
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of the tool.
        the name
      • getIcon

        public Icon getIcon()
        The icon of the tool.
        the icon
      • createCursor

        protected Cursor createCursor()
        Returns the mouse cursor to use.
        Specified by:
        createCursor in class AbstractTool
        the cursor
      • getPolygonColor

        public Color getPolygonColor()
        Returns the color for the overlay.
        the color
      • getPolygonStroke

        public float getPolygonStroke()
        Returns the thickness for the overlay.
        the thickness
      • getPolygon

        public Polygon getPolygon()
        Returns the polygon to paint.
        the polygon, null if not enough points
      • fill

        protected void fill()
        Fills in the polygon.
      • doApply

        protected void doApply()
        Applies the settings.
        Specified by:
        doApply in class AbstractTool