Class WekaCrossValidationExecution

    • Field Detail

      • m_Classifier

        protected weka.classifiers.Classifier m_Classifier
        the classifier to evaluate.
      • m_Data

        protected weka.core.Instances m_Data
        the data to evaluate on.
      • m_Output

        protected weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.AbstractOutput m_Output
        for generating predictions output.
      • m_OutputBuffer

        protected StringBuffer m_OutputBuffer
        the buffer for the predictions.
      • m_Folds

        protected int m_Folds
        the number of folds.
      • m_ActualFolds

        protected int m_ActualFolds
        the actual folds used.
      • m_SeparateFolds

        protected boolean m_SeparateFolds
        whether to separate folds.
      • m_Seed

        protected long m_Seed
        the seed value.
      • m_UseViews

        protected boolean m_UseViews
        whether to use views.
      • m_DiscardPredictions

        protected boolean m_DiscardPredictions
        whether to discard predictions.
      • m_NumThreads

        protected int m_NumThreads
        the number of threads to use for parallel execution (only used if no JobRunnerSetup/JobRunner set).
      • m_ActualNumThreads

        protected int m_ActualNumThreads
        the actual number of threads to use.
      • m_JobRunnerSetup

        protected transient JobRunnerSetup m_JobRunnerSetup
        the jobrunner setup.
      • m_JobRunner

        protected transient JobRunner m_JobRunner
        the jobrunner template.
      • m_ActualJobRunner

        protected transient JobRunner m_ActualJobRunner
        the runner in use.
      • m_Evaluation

        protected weka.classifiers.Evaluation m_Evaluation
        the (aggregated) evaluation.
      • m_Evaluations

        protected weka.classifiers.Evaluation[] m_Evaluations
        the separate evaluations.
      • m_Classifiers

        protected weka.classifiers.Classifier[] m_Classifiers
        the separate classifiers.
      • m_OriginalIndices

        protected int[] m_OriginalIndices
        the original indices.
      • m_Stopped

        protected boolean m_Stopped
        whether the execution has been stopped.
      • m_StatusMessageHandler

        protected StatusMessageHandler m_StatusMessageHandler
        for outputting notifications.
      • m_WaitForJobs

        protected boolean m_WaitForJobs
        whether to wait for jobs to finish when stopping.
      • m_FlowContext

        protected transient Actor m_FlowContext
        the flow context.
      • m_CurrentEvaluation

        protected transient StoppableEvaluation m_CurrentEvaluation
        the evaluation currently being run.
      • m_CurrentClassifier

        protected transient weka.classifiers.Classifier m_CurrentClassifier
        the current classifier that is being trained.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WekaCrossValidationExecution

        public WekaCrossValidationExecution()
        Initializes the execution.
    • Method Detail

      • getFlowContext

        public Actor getFlowContext()
        Returns the flow context, if any.
        Specified by:
        getFlowContext in interface FlowContextHandler
        the actor, null if none available
      • setJobRunnerSetup

        public void setJobRunnerSetup​(JobRunnerSetup value)
        Sets the JobRunnerSetup.
        value - the setup
      • getJobRunnerSetup

        public JobRunnerSetup getJobRunnerSetup()
        Returns the JobRunnerSetup, if any.
        the JobRunnerSetup, null if none available
      • setJobRunner

        public void setJobRunner​(JobRunner value)
        Sets the JobRunner.
        value - the template
      • getJobRunner

        public JobRunner getJobRunner()
        Returns the JobRunner, if any.
        the JobRunner, null if none available
      • setWaitForJobs

        public void setWaitForJobs​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to wait for jobs to finish when terminating.
        value - true if to wait
      • getWaitForJobs

        public boolean getWaitForJobs()
        Returns whether to wait for jobs to finish when terminating.
        true if to wait
      • setClassifier

        public void setClassifier​(weka.classifiers.Classifier value)
        Sets the classifier to use.
        value - the classifier
      • getClassifier

        public weka.classifiers.Classifier getClassifier()
        Returns the classifier in use.
        the classifier
      • getClassifiers

        public weka.classifiers.Classifier[] getClassifiers()
        Returns the classifiers per fold.
        the classifiers, null if not stored
      • setData

        public void setData​(weka.core.Instances value)
        Sets the data to use.
        value - the data
      • getData

        public weka.core.Instances getData()
        Returns the data in use.
        the data
      • setOutput

        public void setOutput​(weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.AbstractOutput value)
        Sets the prediction output generator to use.
        value - the output generator
      • getOutput

        public weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.AbstractOutput getOutput()
        Returns the prediction output generator in use.
        the output generator
      • setFolds

        public void setFolds​(int value)
        Sets the number of folds.
        value - the folds, <2 for LOOCV
      • getFolds

        public int getFolds()
        Returns the number of folds.
        the folds
      • getActualFolds

        public int getActualFolds()
        Returns the actual number of folds used.
        the actual folds, -1 if not yet determined
      • setSeparateFolds

        public void setSeparateFolds​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to separate the folds, an Evaluation object per fold.
        value - true if to separate
      • getSeparateFolds

        public boolean getSeparateFolds()
        Returns whether to separate the folds, an Evaluation object per fold.
        true if to separate
      • setSeed

        public void setSeed​(long value)
        Sets the seed value.
        value - the seed
      • getSeed

        public long getSeed()
        Returns the seed value.
        the seed
      • setUseViews

        public void setUseViews​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to use views instead of dataset copies, in order to conserve memory.
        Specified by:
        setUseViews in interface InstancesViewSupporter
        value - true if to use views
      • getUseViews

        public boolean getUseViews()
        Returns whether to use views instead of dataset copies, in order to conserve memory.
        Specified by:
        getUseViews in interface InstancesViewSupporter
        true if using views
      • setGenerator

        public void setGenerator​(CrossValidationFoldGenerator value)
        Sets the generator to use for generating the folds.
        value - the generator
      • getGenerator

        public CrossValidationFoldGenerator getGenerator()
        Returns the generator to use for generating the folds.
        the generator
      • setDiscardPredictions

        public void setDiscardPredictions​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to discard the predictions instead of collecting them for future use, in order to conserve memory. NB: Must be false in case of parallel execution to allow for aggregation of statistics;
        value - true if to discard predictions
      • getDiscardPredictions

        public boolean getDiscardPredictions()
        Returns whether to discard the predictions in order to preserve memory. NB: Must be false in case of parallel execution to allow for aggregation of statistics;
        true if predictions discarded
      • setNumThreads

        public void setNumThreads​(int value)
        Sets the number of threads to use for cross-validation (only used if no JobRunnerSetup/JobRunner set).
        Specified by:
        setNumThreads in interface ThreadLimiter
        value - the number of threads: -1 = # of CPUs/cores; 0/1 = sequential execution
      • getNumThreads

        public int getNumThreads()
        Returns the number of threads to use for cross-validation (only used if no JobRunnerSetup/JobRunner set).
        Specified by:
        getNumThreads in interface ThreadLimiter
        the number of threads: -1 = # of CPUs/cores; 0/1 = sequential execution
      • setStatusMessageHandler

        public void setStatusMessageHandler​(StatusMessageHandler value)
        Sets the status message handler for outputting notifications.
        value - the handler
      • getStatusMessageHandler

        public StatusMessageHandler getStatusMessageHandler()
        Returns the status message handler for outputting notifications.
        the handler, null if none set
      • initOutputBuffer

        protected void initOutputBuffer()
        Initializes the output buffer.
      • getOutputBuffer

        public StringBuffer getOutputBuffer()
        Returns the output buffer.
        the output buffer
      • getEvaluation

        public weka.classifiers.Evaluation getEvaluation()
        Returns the generated (aggregated) evaluation.
        the evaluation
      • getEvaluations

        public weka.classifiers.Evaluation[] getEvaluations()
        Returns the generated evaluations (if multi-threaded or separated).
        the evaluations, null if not multi-threaded or not separated
      • getOriginalIndices

        public int[] getOriginalIndices()
        Returns the original indices.
        the indices
      • isSingleThreaded

        public boolean isSingleThreaded()
        Returns whether the execution was single-threaded (after execute()).
        true if single-threaded
      • execute

        public String execute()
        Executes the flow item.
        null if everything is fine, otherwise error message
      • isStopped

        public boolean isStopped()
        Returns whether the execution has been stopped.
        true if stopped
      • stopExecution

        public void stopExecution()
        Stops the execution.
        Specified by:
        stopExecution in interface Stoppable
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface CleanUpHandler