Class Parser

  • public class Parser
    extends java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
    CUP v0.11b 20160615 (GIT 4ac7450) generated parser.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected static short[][] _action_table
      Parse-action table.
      protected static short[][] _production_table
      Production table.
      protected static short[][] _reduce_table
      reduce_goto table.
      protected adams.parser.basetime.Parser.CUP$Parser$actions action_obj
      Instance of action encapsulation class.
      protected Calendar m_Calendar
      an instance of a gregorian calendar.
      protected Date m_End
      optional end datetime.
      protected ParserHelper m_Helper
      the helper.
      protected Date m_Result
      for storing the result of the expression.
      protected Date m_Start
      optional start datetime.
      • Fields inherited from class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser

        _done_parsing, _error_sync_size, action_tab, cur_token, lookahead, lookahead_pos, production_tab, reduce_tab, stack, symbolFactory, tos
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Parser​(java_cup.runtime.Scanner s)
      Parser​(java_cup.runtime.Scanner s, java_cup.runtime.SymbolFactory sf)
      Constructor which sets the default scanner.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      short[][] action_table()
      Access to parse-action table.
      java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action​(int act_num, java_cup.runtime.lr_parser parser, Stack stack, int top)
      Invoke a user supplied parse action.
      int EOF_sym()
      EOF Symbol index.
      int error_sym()
      error Symbol index.
      protected Calendar getCalendar()
      Returns the calendar used for calculating the dates.
      Date getEnd()
      Returns the optional end time.
      ParserHelper getHelper()
      Returns the parser helper.
      Date getResult()
      Returns the result of the evaluation.
      Date getStart()
      Returns the optional start time.
      Class getSymbolContainer()  
      protected void init_actions()
      Action encapsulation object initializer.
      static void main​(String[] args)
      Runs the parser from commandline.
      short[][] production_table()
      Access to production table.
      short[][] reduce_table()
      Access to reduce_goto table.
      void setEnd​(Date value)
      Sets the optional end time.
      void setResult​(Date value)
      Sets the result of the evaluation.
      void setStart​(Date value)
      Sets the optional start time.
      int start_production()
      Indicates start production.
      int start_state()
      Indicates start state.
      • Methods inherited from class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser

        advance_lookahead, cur_err_token, debug_message, debug_parse, debug_reduce, debug_shift, debug_stack, done_parsing, dump_stack, error_recovery, error_sync_size, expected_token_ids, find_recovery_config, get_action, get_reduce, getScanner, getSymbolFactory, parse, parse_lookahead, read_lookahead, report_error, report_expected_token_ids, report_fatal_error, restart_lookahead, scan, setScanner, shift_under_error, symbl_name_from_id, syntax_error, try_parse_ahead, unpackFromStrings, unrecovered_syntax_error, user_init
    • Field Detail

      • _production_table

        protected static final short[][] _production_table
        Production table.
      • _action_table

        protected static final short[][] _action_table
        Parse-action table.
      • _reduce_table

        protected static final short[][] _reduce_table
        reduce_goto table.
      • action_obj

        protected adams.parser.basetime.Parser.CUP$Parser$actions action_obj
        Instance of action encapsulation class.
      • m_Result

        protected Date m_Result
        for storing the result of the expression.
      • m_Start

        protected Date m_Start
        optional start datetime.
      • m_End

        protected Date m_End
        optional end datetime.
      • m_Calendar

        protected Calendar m_Calendar
        an instance of a gregorian calendar.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Parser

        public Parser()
        Default constructor.
      • Parser

        public Parser​(java_cup.runtime.Scanner s)
        Constructor which sets the default scanner.
      • Parser

        public Parser​(java_cup.runtime.Scanner s,
                      java_cup.runtime.SymbolFactory sf)
        Constructor which sets the default scanner.
    • Method Detail

      • getSymbolContainer

        public final Class getSymbolContainer()
        getSymbolContainer in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • production_table

        public short[][] production_table()
        Access to production table.
        Specified by:
        production_table in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • action_table

        public short[][] action_table()
        Access to parse-action table.
        Specified by:
        action_table in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • reduce_table

        public short[][] reduce_table()
        Access to reduce_goto table.
        Specified by:
        reduce_table in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • init_actions

        protected void init_actions()
        Action encapsulation object initializer.
        Specified by:
        init_actions in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • do_action

        public java_cup.runtime.Symbol do_action​(int act_num,
                                                 java_cup.runtime.lr_parser parser,
                                                 Stack stack,
                                                 int top)
                                          throws Exception
        Invoke a user supplied parse action.
        Specified by:
        do_action in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • start_state

        public int start_state()
        Indicates start state.
        Specified by:
        start_state in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • start_production

        public int start_production()
        Indicates start production.
        Specified by:
        start_production in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • EOF_sym

        public int EOF_sym()
        EOF Symbol index.
        Specified by:
        EOF_sym in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • error_sym

        public int error_sym()
        error Symbol index.
        Specified by:
        error_sym in class java_cup.runtime.lr_parser
      • getCalendar

        protected Calendar getCalendar()
        Returns the calendar used for calculating the dates.
        the calendar
      • getHelper

        public ParserHelper getHelper()
        Returns the parser helper.
        the helper
      • setResult

        public void setResult​(Date value)
        Sets the result of the evaluation.
        value - the result
      • getResult

        public Date getResult()
        Returns the result of the evaluation.
        the result
      • setStart

        public void setStart​(Date value)
        Sets the optional start time.
        value - the start time
      • getStart

        public Date getStart()
        Returns the optional start time.
        the start time
      • setEnd

        public void setEnd​(Date value)
        Sets the optional end time.
        value - the end time
      • getEnd

        public Date getEnd()
        Returns the optional end time.
        the end time
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws Exception
        Runs the parser from commandline. Either reads lines from or from a provided file (line by line).
        args - the commandline arguments
        Exception - if something goes wrong