AbstractAddRemoveTimeWindowDatabaseTool |
Ancestor for tools that add or remove stuff in the database.
AbstractDatabaseTool |
Abstract ancestor for tools that need database access.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for tool scripts.
AbstractScriptedTool |
Abstract ancestor for filters that execute external scripts.
AbstractTimeWindowDatabaseTool |
Abstract ancestor for database tools that act within a time frame.
AbstractTool |
An abstract class for general commandline-handling classes.
CompareDatasets |
Compares two datasets, either row-by-row or using a row attribute listing a unique ID for matching the rows, outputting the correlation coefficient of the numeric attributes found in the ranges defined by the user.
In order to trim down the number of generated rows, a threshold can be specified.
DropTables |
Drops all tables that match a regular expression (matching sense can be inverted).
Groovy |
A report filter that uses a Groovy script for processing the data.
InitializeTables |
Makes sure that all tables exist and are initialized.
RunTool |
Runs a tool from commandline.
Scripted |
A tool that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.
TableUpgrade |
Tool for running a specific table upgrade.
TruncateTables |
Truncates all tables that match a regular expression (matching sense can be inverted).
ZipPassword |
Attempts to determine the password of a password protected ZIP file.
If no dictionary file has been provided, a brute force attack is carried out.
The brute force attack can be run in parallel, default is two threads.
The dictionary approach also tests lower/upper case version of the passwords and the reverse of them.
ZipPassword.BruteForceJob |
Job for performing brute force attack in paralle.